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Question about sex after hernia surgery

Question about sex after hernia surgery

Hi Guys

I had lower abdominal hernia surgery 4 or 5 years ago and the doctor told me that sex would be no problem once i was healed up. The operation itself consisted of pinning a square of mesh over the tear, and he said i may feel the pins as i have little bodyfat.

Sex was not a problem then as my wife and i were basically on the way out and if we had sex it was on a monthly basis.. 10 minutes or so and it was over. I never felt any discomfort relating to the surgery. Now the wife and i are on the mend and she surprised me last night by wanting it 3 separate times.. over the course of a couple hours. The first time was an intense session and i was already worn out and feeling the pins from the operation pushing into the bone. By the end, after 1/2 hour of heavy grinding, i was in pain. Anyone else have any trouble like this and is their any possibility of tearing the installed mesh during sex? The pain from the pins i’m just going to have to accept i think.. with my only real option being to try to gain enough weight to dampen the area with some fat. I’m just wondering if any have experienced this issue and if they found any solutions or experienced long term issues resulting from this procedure. Thanks all, J

Mr. Average...

Wives are mysterious creatures, are they not?

Sounds as if you might have had an incisional hernia repair, or perhaps a laparoscopic inguinal (groin) hernia repair? It would probably be best to ask the surgeon who did the repair, if possible. Even if s/he is no longer in practice, some physician should have your records, including an operative report, and be able to opine.

The mesh has to be anchored to adjacent healthy tissue in some fashion, either by sutures or staples. You may be having pain just from the tension the mesh places at the attachment point in which gaining weight may or may not help (my guess is it wouldn’t). But it is also possible that you have developed another small hernia along the line of attachment which could cause pain by herniation of tissue during hard physical activity so you should feel for and be alert for the development of any bulge in the area.

Hey Redbear, thank you and yes, they are nuts. I’ll keep an eye out for any signs the hernia has returned and will also see if i can track down who did the surgery for more in depth advice. I appreciate the reply, J

Mr. Average...


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