Thunder's Place

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Question for you guys!

Question for you guys!

I´ve been asking you this before, but never gotten any good answers. I´m an 19 year old boy that was circumsized as a young kid, because of medical reason. To be that is very uncommon in Sweden, thus haven´t I got anyboy to talk to about this.

My problem is that the head om my penis is so dry. Is it the same with you other circumsized guys? It isn´t sensitive at all because of that. Are you able to masturbate without any lotion or similar, because I´m not. I need some good lotion and porn to be able to get off. That can´t be the way it should be. Maybe I´m just silly but this is really worrying me.

I´ve read about foreskin restoration which seems interesting, though very time consuming. Does it work? Anybody got proofs of it?

My main question is still:Are you guys able to feel any pleasure whilest masturbating, withougt using lotion?


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Yes, but lotion makes it better. For me anyways.. Other wise be really gentle.

Your skin should not be dry and you shouldn’t need lotion to masturbate. You might need to see a dermatologist. You might have some kind of rash or skin infection, because it sounds like something is not normal for you. I have been circumcised for 45 years and have plenty of sensitivity and no dryness or other problems at all.

Mravg, remember that he only has uncut guys to compare with at home. “Dry” may well mean dry compaired to uncut guys, not painfully dryed out.

If I don’t use some kind of lotion masterbation isn’t going to happen.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

If your foreskin is loose enough, you should be able to masturbate very well, without lotion, just on the base up to the head, without actually bringing your hand over the glans. It may take a while to get accustomed to doing it this way, but it should be very satisfactory.

It is not dry as in skin is peeling off, it´s more like all other skin on my body. My hands won´t slide over my penis head easy. Skin infection? Don´t think so. My dick has felt the same as long as I can remeber. Maybe I`m just to focused on the glans and the way I imagine it will feel like touching it. It´s just so strange that it is so unsensitive. Maybe speaking to a doctor is the best.

If it is not comfortable to slide your hand over your head during masturbation, then don’t do it.

I noticed in pornos that some guys do it and some don’t. I strickly work my shaft below the head, mainly because my head is too sensitive for direct contact.

I wonder if the uncut guys tend to include the head when masturbating more than cut guys?

It doesn’t matter though, you should do what feels best, not worry about having a specific style.

I can masturbate without lotion. Actually I would say 98% of the time I don’t use lotion. I have gained some skin from jelqing and PE though.

Why would you wanna mastrubate without lotion? It so much better with lube!

Go for the foreskin restoration. Sensitivity will improve greatly within a few weeks! Unfortunately, it takes much longer to finish restoring. I haven’t needed any lube in about 7.5 years since I originally started FR. I have tried using lube a few times since then and it didn’t improve things at all, only made it messy.

Unfortunately I haven’t been consistent, so I’m still a long way from finished.

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Originally Posted by mravg
If it is not comfortable to slide your hand over your head during masturbation, then don’t do it.
I noticed in pornos that some guys do it and some don’t. I strickly work my shaft below the head, mainly because my head is too sensitive for direct contact.
I wonder if the uncut guys tend to include the head when masturbating more than cut guys?
It doesn’t matter though, you should do what feels best, not worry about having a specific style.

You write that your head is too sensitive for concact. How can that differ so much between to people. You are circumsized as I am and still your head is super sensitive. It´s just so strange. Can somebody explain that to me.

What you write really worries me. Before I just believed that this was the way it was supposed to be when cirumcized. No I really start to wonder if something might be wrong. If it is there can´t be anything to do to help it. Guess I have to live with that I have been born with a non-sensitive dick.

Guys who are circumcised obviously wanted good sex. So, foreskin restoration is practised because circumcised men are regretful being circumcised.

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