I can speak from experience on this.
I had a partial hysterectomy in the early eighties. I would have perferred a full (sorry Anna).
Had it been a full I would have started on HRT immediately and not have gone thru menopause.
As hormonal levels change, so does the personality of the person. I went from a nice calm person to a raving maniac (my dog threatened to leave home). Once on HRT I settled right down and became nice and calm again.
Ok, as far as how it will affect her emotionally and sexually. Well, it depends on a couple of things, like how is she now emotionally? If she is in a great deal of pain the surgery will help, if you continue to let her know you love her for the person she is and not an organ, she will be fine. Sexually, hey, like no more fear of pregancy EVER!!!!!!! No more PMS, no more periods, just total freedom. There is a down side to this, once she hits menopause and the hormones do the reverse of puberty, until HRT then it can effect sexual performance and desire. However, once again you need to communicate to her that she is special and you love her for who she is. Trust me, it gets better once the body is back into statis (meaning balanced state).
I would listen to the OB/GYN , get second and third opinions if necessary. This is your special lady’s happiness and general well being we are discussing. Usually, normally, most frequently, the doctor has the knowledge to help you make informed decisions.