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Restore Foreskin

Restore Foreskin

Instead of making it longer or wider does anyone ever do this to reverse circumcision? I don’t care about size, if anything I like small, but I want to reverse the mutilation.


The answer is yes. Some men try - and succeed - in developing more penile skin to replace the foreskin that was removed.

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Originally Posted by tyciol
Instead of making it longer or wider does anyone ever do this to reverse circumcision? I don’t care about size, if anything I like small, but I want to reverse the mutilation.

Yes, it’s done to reverse mutilation. However, there’s only so much that can be done. You can’t re-grow specialized nerve endings, but when you have enough slack skin to keep the glans covered and allow for slinky skin mobility during intimacy a few things happen:

- The glans gets more supple and shiny. Layers of cells slough away so the nerve endings are closer to the surface.

- The mucosa between the glans and the circ scar wakes and gets much more pleasure receptive. This eclipses the glans improvements by a huge factor.

- The shaft skin can now roll over the glans while you’re erect, and the remaining nerve structures (which were always there) that respond to bending and straightening can finally report those sensations to your brain during arousal. This awesome feeling of the end of the skin tube tightly rolling over on itself also eclipses the glans improvements by a huge factor.

- You can finally feel the radial stretch sensation as a skin tube tip stretches to clear the corona. It’s wild, but you only get this near the start of each intimacy session because the restored skin tube tip is not as elastic as the natural preputial sphincter.

- The core of your shaft can get deeply kneaded by manual stimulation without adding any lube. The slinky tube provides a gliding rolling bearing. This too eclipses the glans improvements by a huge factor. Especially nice is the fact that it’s impossible for your partner to rub you raw during foreplay, yet it all feels so good you’re in no rush to get to the big finish. Once you have experienced this glide, I say it must make you better at manipulating a partner’s clitoral hood or foreskin.

- Intercourse of any sort is plush and lubricated by the gliding skin tube. As the skin rolls over and envelopes the glans with each withdrawal, the girth increases by 4 skin thicknesses (there, and back, times two sides) and who has ever complained about too much girth?

My wife and I are thrilled with my restoration result. It’s painless but it takes patience and effort. We have found it very worthwhile.

-Ron Low

Wow TLC excellent post. Did you use any of the available devices for stretching or manually?

Mine has regrown to a very noticeable degree already just from wet jelqing for a few weeks, shame I can’t restore the frenulum!

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Originally Posted by Lord Harris
Wow TLC excellent post. Did you use any of the available devices for stretching or manually?

Mine has regrown to a very noticeable degree already just from wet jelqing for a few weeks, shame I can’t restore the frenulum!

I think he is the supplier of one of the main devices called the TLC Tugger. It’s supposedly a very good device, but there are a few different options out there. I think rorsekin restoration devices in general are well recieved by those who use them. I’m personlly using T-tapes for my restoration and find they are working well for me. I think they use the same principal as the TLC Tugger, but you have to make them yourself and are a bit fiddly at times. Cost wise they actually work out about the same. The TLC is a one off payment and though whilst T-taps are known for being a very cheap way to restore, they actually aren’t, as you can get through so much tape in a year that it costs as much as one of the devices available.

Hey thanks dude!

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Originally Posted by Lord Harris
Did you use any of the available devices for stretching or manually?

But we can rejuvenate what frenular tissue remains.

I used a silicone tugger with comfortable tension as close to 24/7 as I could manage. I gained about an inch of new skin per year. You can view my before pic:

And my 3.5 year progress:


Originally Posted by TLCTugger
But we can rejuvenate what frenular tissue remains.

I used a silicone tugger with comfortable tension as close to 24/7 as I could manage. I gained about an inch of new skin per year. You can view my before pic:

And my 3.5 year progress:


Hi Ron,

When you say “comfortable tension,” do you roughly know how much that was?

Originally Posted by joey999
When you say “comfortable tension,” do you roughly know how much that was?

Well, a specific number for tension wouldn’t be very helpful, because what actually causes growth is stress. This is to say the force in your tension strap or bi-directional device is only part of the equation. Stress is Force divided by Area. So if your skin tube could be measured to have a cross-sectional area of .75 square inches and mine was only .50 square inches, you would need 50% more tension to get the same stress.

Anyway to your point, I tell people to aim for a pound assuming they’re average. I measured the elongation of one of my straps with a one-pound loaf of bread hanging from it, and two dots I had marked were 3.25” apart. Then I adjusted my straps on my body until those same dots were 3.25” apart, so I knew the strap had one pound of tension in it. It was a comfortable setup.

With a bi-directional device using springs or rubber bands, you can press the Pusher/Plunger section onto a scale until the scale measures one pound, then note that displacement of the rod and compare that to the displacement in application with elastic resistance. If the device doesn’t have an elastic option, use fixed displacement and pay attention to what I’ll say next.

In practice, with any method, I think the best approach is to adjust with slight additional tension every day until you can no longer go 4 straight hours comfortably. When you get there back off and use that setting for like a month before fussing with it again. If you’re tugging in bed, you need to use less aggressive tension that is comfortable for 8 hours.


Originally Posted by TLCTugger
But we can rejuvenate what frenular tissue remains.

I had a tiny patch of frenular tissue that seemed to appear out of nowhere one day. It’s about an inch long and half an inch thick now. IMO, foreskin restoration should be part of any PE routine to offset turkey neck and tight erections.

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