Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Revolutionary Method To End Premature Ejaculation

Well not exactly new or revolutionary, but good stuff none the less.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Good stuff Duke, it worked great for masturbation but when I got with my girl and she was on me.. I had no control.. Even though I was doing your technics I was way too excited to focus on her pleasure and not on mine. I think it lasted shorter than when I think about something else like um I don’t know skateboarding heh


7 11/16" ELBP, 7 3/16" NBPEL 5 5/8" EG (mid), 8 1/8 " SL

Goal : 8" NBP 6" EG (mid)

I mean focusing on her pleasure was a major turn on…


7 11/16" ELBP, 7 3/16" NBPEL 5 5/8" EG (mid), 8 1/8 " SL

Goal : 8" NBP 6" EG (mid)

Maybe you should try envisioning your hand around your member instead of looking at that beautiful breasts-flopping, wild-grinding woman who’s riding you…
just a thought.

My premature ejaculations began shortly after my 12 year old son walked in on the missus and I “bumping uglies”. Have I reverted to primordial man, fearing the attack of some sabre-toothed tiger or worse…my own son?!?

I’m thinking I need therapy, now…

(my 2nd post! ever!! and both in the same day!!!)


Thank you for sharing this information. It really works (at least for me, lol).

Correct me if I’m wrong, but The secret of this exercise consist in directing your brain to an other objective than making yourself to cum, but making your partner to have pleasure.

so it’s like your brain “forgets” to make you cum. isn’t it?

I tried This method yesterday and it was the first time I could keep myself going for 15 minutes (usually I cum in 2 minutes or less… it’s really frustating)

Well, Thank you one more time

Here’s what works for me, weird as it sounds. I squeeze my anus as if I had to fart. I can do that as many times during sex as I need to, and after getting used to it I find myself riding an orgasm wave for a long time, as long as an hour or more. Physical fatigue becomes more of an issue than cumming too soon.

Using this trick I can come when I want. Sometimes my wife wants us to come together, other times she wants other things. She’s always asking me how I manage to do cum whenever I want, and I always imply some sort of Zen-like control of bodily functions. It works for me.

There is, however, a biological reason for cumming quickly. It has to do with our evolution, when we didn’t have the safety of a bedroom to make love in. I suspect the reason many men have a tendency to cum quickly is that those who came slowly died in the act, maybe eaten by a saber-tooth tiger, or hit over the head by a rival.

The reason men tend to fall asleep after sex, while women tend to get more awake, has a similar function. Assuming a primitive setting, the alpha male gets the girl first. But nature isn’t content with that, it wants some insurance that the woman will be impregnated. So as soon as #1 is asleep Alpha2 can deposit more sperm, etc.

Things tend to happen quickly in the wild, and sex is no exception. But just because we have a biological tendency doesn’t mean we can’t learn Zen-like control.

SurfDog, I don’t understand if your squeezing is like to keep from farting or to “push” it out. The squeezing makes me think it’s like you retain the fart, am I right?

Right you are. Since it’s something our women appreciate anyway, and it does such good things for our stamina, it’s a good thing, right?


I actually have tried this idea when I did edging. I was watching some porn movie when I did that, I found that if I focus on the girl, I will be last much longer. Good idea!

Originally Posted by Duke
Ya see, all premature-ejaculation is…is in your mind.

Er … WRONG!!!

Unless—you have certain credentials in the philosophy of mind or psychology or neuro-physiology, or some related field. “Mind” is a very controversial notion to begin with. We know as much about it as, say, the early cave dwellers knew about the cosmos.

Your statement is too general. Such generalities typically make for bad science. There is a lot of non-“mind” physiology and brain chemistry involved in premature ejaculation as well, as in most everything else about us. We know now that something like alcoholism is often genetic and therefore physiologically conditioned. We are fast learning that the same is also true for premature ejaculation, or it’s reverse, anorgasmia.

What you suggest is very sound, and it will certainly help a lot of people. But consider your case: You started out being able to last 15 to 20 minutes, and went from there to the marathon length of one hour. But 15 to 20 minutes is already a lifetime compared to what a guy with genuinely problematic premature ejaculation can last; it is also already longer than what many women are interested in having coitus for.

Relaxation is important; reconditioning is important. All that stuff is important. But it will be of limited value to many men. This is the point I want to make, because a lot of men will try your techniques and not benefit (much) by them. That’s all. Otherwise, thanks for the advice and welcome to Thunder’s!

I’m not sure if hes still here? This was 2 years ago :D

But good points.

OMG over 1000 posts! I didn’t notice! Special day for me!

Wow! Two years ago. I didn’t even notice. Thanks Phoenix.

Yes, we’ve moved on in the past two years! :)

I was reading this article and I got an epiphany. If Premature ejaculation is all in the mind and Olympians use these kinds of exercises, wouldn’t it be just as easy to take another que from Olympians and other athletes by warming up the muscle before going all out.. What I mean in layman’s term is simply to start slow once introduced inside the coochie and instead of speeding up the pace too soon, let the dick get accustomed (warmed up) in the hot, moist environment. The longer you stay at a slow but steady pace the less sensitive the head and shaft will be and you can go faster as the sensitivity decreases. Some men get greedy, instead of slowing down when they feel they are close, they speed up so that they can get the most out of that nut. Try to use some Olympic discipline and see where it takes you. Don’t get me wrong I haven’t tried it yet but it makes sense. If no one else does it anytime soon, I will and keep you posted

I’m wondering. Went I jerk off I last about 2-4 minutes. Someone told me that he does to but when he gets a blow-job, hand-job, or fucks a girl then he lasts longer. Is this true?


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