Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Saved by her period

Saved by her period

I haven’t been an active member of Thunder’s for years now. But, since I see right now that things have truly improved, I’m extremely tempted to change my ways again.

I’ve had pretty good PE gains, but since I’ve stopped, all that I gained has disappeared. Now I’m close to average again. I am here desperately needing someone’s support in any way shape of form - whether it’s of the “get of your ass…” variety, or just plain old “I know the feels, bro…”. If you have advice to share, I would appreciate that too.

Last night a girl I recently met (and started to like) and I were making out at her house. Usually, she’s the nicest girl you’ll ever meet, and also very shy. The “foreplay” (or rather her constant stalling due to shyness) lasted for hours. We’ve already “failed” at one attempt the night before because such stalling is not really compatible with my ED. My penis was erect most of the 3-hour long “foreplay”, but again last night it failed when I needed it the most.

This would’ve been demoralizing enough by itself, if not for what happened next. We started talking about it. It was clear she was extremely frustrated, but to her credit she tried to be as compassionate about it as she could. The topic changed to previous sex partners, and at first we started to have a laugh about previous disastrous sex experiences. But the next change in topic caught me really off guard. She started to talk about her ex whom she really dislikes (a continuation of a discussion we had the previous day) and I started poking fun at the fact that she used to date such a spineless jealous freak for way too long. She replied absentmindedly, “yeah, but he was awesome in bed. I can’t even describe it. He had a really really huge cock and he could really get me off any time”.

Luckily it was night and lights were out, because my face shaped into a painful grimace, I twitched and felt blood rushing to my cheeks. It was horrible. Not just WHAT she said at the most inappropriate moment, but how her tone changed. She clearly went into a deeper trans with every next word of the sentence and a creepy smile was forming on her face as she was clearly reliving some intense memory. I had no idea she was a size-queen - absolutely none. Usually I can detect such girls early and stay away, but this one was a surprise. And I really like her.

Now my ED problems went from partially psychological to absolutely psychological. I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt so useless and inadequate. I don’t really remember what she was saying from that moment on, but I do know she kept talking about it for a while, completely oblivious to the kind of mindset she was putting me into.

Two hours later, she got her period - surprisingly 10 days too early. She panicked and I felt relief at the distraction. It’s morning now, I’ve slept over and got up early, put my clothes on and came up with an excuse to go home. Didn’t really sleep last night. On my way home, I remembered Thunder’s Place community and thought I might get some understanding and support from you guys.

Sorry for the long post, I just had to share this with someone.

Ok important for you to not blow it out of proportion and be steady in yourself or find that in yourself.
You might learn something from it and grow on it. Just reacting with I need a bigger dick is making yourself weaker. What you need is more beeing yourself no matter what. Of course a bigger dick is usefull to hit all her spots(but with positions you can make up for it) but is not the solution for this problem!
She doesnt have to be a size queen. If the guy did everything right and knew how to use his tool then kudos to him.
Same can be done with an average dick if you know how to use it.
Of course beeing born rich and with a huge dick and the manuals how to succeed in life is not a bad thing lol. but most arent so we have to grow along the way.. ;)

Now I will tell you something which might hurt more but is the truth.
The problem isnt inches but not beeing steady in yourself no matter what. There are guys with smaller dicks then you fucking girls everyday no prob.

Could be she is frustrated and tells the story to push you some way or the other.
Females are often this way filling voids we leave them with this stuff. She is for example insecure and plays the ball back to you cause if it is cause of her something fails she will feel worse then you. So dumb insecure girls rather hurt you then herself.
You labelling your ED as psychological shows that you probably have some insecurities when it comes to sexy time and yourself in relation to it.

At best she feels so secure with you that she can tell you anything without you giving a fuck and she might have tested this. Truth is no matter how emancipated they act they need us to give them the frame where they can be a woman. They dont know logical boundaries as good as we do. So its on us to provide them these boundaries cause she doesnt know and cant do it for herself.
How can she find out? In presenting you B.S to test if this brings you out of your frame or if you stay strong.

Females often test these boundaries to check If you can provide her security. The more secure you are the more secure will she feel. The more secure she is the less B.S she will come up with. Its just how nature works. They mostly dont do it conciously.
This is why the I dont care and dont give a fuck bad boy, no matter his dick size, gets all the hot woman who cant stand on their own.
Of course more mature woman understand their own nature and thus dont need to play silly games or hurt someone.
Did you see her blood? Wouldnt wonder if she faked it..

So PE is good to do for the body and also mind as is fitness but even more important is beeing secure in yourself no matter what.
You are the rock. The girl is the water.

All you can do now is to focus onto the future that works and relate yourself to that future. Doesnt help to come up with the past and reliving it over and over indulging in pity. That little insecure girl or any other doesnt have the power to put you down.
Who are you? How will it be if you survive your worst fear? What happens if you stay within yourself no matter what(rock in the water no matter what wave of bullshit)?
How is it when you will be you no matter what an insecure girl says or does? Accept your fears, laugh about them, love them and think about who you are after you gone past them..You did already in many other contexts…
There is no other way out then forward focusing onto the future.

I wonder if any if my ex GFs have said similar things about me to other guys.

Me thinks your recent experience has revealed the first episode of what will be numerous mind games by this girl. F’er and fergit’er.

Originally Posted by baywatch
I wonder if any if my ex GFs have said similar things about me to other guys.


Originally Posted by Deca Durabolin
the fact that she used to date such a spineless jealous freak for way too long.


Originally Posted by Ectospasm
Me thinks your recent experience has revealed the first episode of what will be numerous mind games by this girl. F’er and fergit’er.

The stalling and talking about the ex under power was her game? It would mess up most guys drive for sex with her.

The OP stated above, “…We started talking about it.” Here is my unsolicited advice and a lesson I learned long ago. Don’t do that! Make no excuses, make no apologies, move forward and set the (new) direction. I got a million boy/girl stories I could tell you from my life but already gave you the cream. And it was free!

Originally Posted by Ectospasm

The OP stated above, “…We started talking about it.” Here is my unsolicited advice and a lesson I learned long ago. Don’t do that! Make no excuses, make no apologies, move forward and set the (new) direction. I got a million boy/girl stories I could tell you from my life but already gave you the cream. And it was free!

Yup thats it in a nutshell.

Female input..

I feel terrible about myself, in that I made comments to my current partner (whom I’ve been in love with for most of our 18-year friendship), about my previous partner’s size. Not directly referring to penis size.. My current man is a BIG guy (as in tall and overweight), and I’ve been with 2 other heavy-set men. I am tiny myself, and he has always been apprehensive about our size difference.. But I have informed him that my last partner was well-endowed. I enjoyed it, but many times it was painful. My current guy is smaller than average, and after dealing with 7 years of often-painful sex.. I actually really enjoy not having my guts rearranged every time we’re intimate. Our personal feelings for one another also help intimacy.

She may CLAIM to be a size-queen, but more enjoyable sex from smaller equipment may change her point of view.

I have an ex that told her boyfriend about me. It’s something I wished she hadn’t done. The guy wouldn’t let it you so she spoke frankly about our past.

She said it was never the same with him after. She learned her lesson.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

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