Thunder's Place

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scars on the penis you know a method / cream to make them disappear …. I’m like those acne as a kind only less deep and wide may I think it is due to the razor blade to shave as a boy

More or less no. Sorry, dont think there is any way. Better just make it bigger the scars will seem smaller.

Originally Posted by federicopoli

scars on the penis you know a method / cream to make them disappear …. I’m like those acne as a kind only less deep and wide may I think it is due to the razor blade to shave as a boy

In case Googling doesn’t bring you there somehow, there is a company called ReJuveness that is all about minimizing the appearance and size of scars. They do it by keeping the scars covered continuously for some period of time with silicone sheeting. Check them out.

thank you all

As TLCTugger said silicon strips tend to work. Surgeons will advise patients with large scars to use these. My wife is currently using them.

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