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Sex link & pic diagram of clit/g-spot/epicenter


Sex link & pic diagram of clit/g-spot/epicenter

Hi hope this works, first time posting an attachment.

Picture of a portion of the female anatomy (he he)
showing the locations of the clit, the g-spot and the epicenter. As I have written before, if you can get the timing, rhythm, strokes/second, etc just right, hitting all three of these at one time will do amazing things for your sex life.

I lifted this pic from a site that has LOTS of good stuff, as well as some bad. This guy warns against PE, and most of his advise is interlaced with sales pitches for his products. Caveat emptor

Specifically he warns that pc exercises cause premature ejaculation, that pe exercises will cause penile damage, etc
What he only hints around at is "could cause if done incorrectly" bastard. Still, he is an excellent resource on the sex end of things, at least as far as he goes. Also, his style of writing makes me giggle. Go look, you see, Dr. Lin, he funny guy!

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Running a Massive Co-Front.

Dr. Lin

Well, I’ll say this: he does have an active imagination.

Re: “over-ejaculation” and “over-masturbation”, he writes:
“It results in the brain’s and nervous dysfunctions, stress, anxiety, impatience, eye floaters or fuzzy vision, buzzing (noisy) ears, cardiovascular irregularities, urinary incontinence, male and female “prostatitis,” weak kidney functions, pain or cramp in the pelvic cavity or/and tail bone, weak muscles or ligaments, and so on. ”

However these horrors can be eliminated with Dr. Lin’s magic supplement, the assumption being that you can then go on and do it until you pass out from exhaustion, wake up, and start over.

When I had a nasty bout of prostatitis a couple of years ago my internist actually prescribed more frequent ejaculations. (Things you love to hear from your doctor.) That helped, btw. “female ‘prostatitis?’” Gimme a break.

But he did solve one nagging mystery for me. Now I know how I got these eye floaters.

As you say, iamaru, Caveat emptor.



Avocet8 reading your post got me worried, what if some poor S.O.B. isn’t a member of the COB (cynical old bastard)club and believes that shit? So….
I am a cynical bastard & question everything, perhaps I should have given a stronger warning about this guys site for those more trusting than I.

This guys site is like horse squeezes; it is dangerous and not for beginners. This guy has some good sex info, but he is also a fruitcake, 4 fries short of a happy meal, etc. Also, he is selling stuff. Than is a scary combination.

That said, he does have some good sex info (if you dig for it and know enough to discard the 80% BS factor) And… reading his site makes me laugh like crazy.

The pic I posted is pretty damn accurate, just don’t believe it when Doc Lin says “Jelqing causes global warming, you need to buy my pills!”

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Iamru: Epicenter? I’ve got to admit, that’s a new one for my word a day calendar. Looks like deep penetration is needed to reach it. With your knowledge of Tantra, could you please elaborate/explain for those of us who haven’t a clue? Thanks

The epicenter is the same as the cul de sac or “deep spot”.

Different terms same thing.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


That’s guy is fucked up more than I thought


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Actually Luv, he’s got the epicenter located at the anterior, not the posterior. What we know and love as the cds, he doesn’t even give recognition to…

But then again, he says anything over a 6” penis is too long :)

Poor guy’s never hit deep :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

So which one is correct:

1. The epicenter is on the anterior side and the cds is on the prosterior side


2. The epicenter is on the prosterior side and is the same thing as the cds and deep spot (in which case what is the front part called?)


I believe #1 is correct. Look at that diagram again. It shows the “epicenter” on the ceiling of the vaginal cavity along with the g spot and clit. The CDS is behind the cervix on the bottom wall off the vaginal cavity, assuming a woman lying on her back :)

I’ve never made a conscious effort to work the “epicenter”. I wonder if there is anything to it?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Guess that when you hit the “epicenter” she will have earthquake style orgasms, and lots of after shocks…….

Start 2/1/03 FBP: L: 3.25", G:3.00" EBP: L: 5.85", G:4.25" 7/7/03 FBP: L: 5.50", G:5.25" EBP: L: 7.00", G:5.25"

The cds is the posterior fornix, the deep spot.

The epicenter according to Dr lin is the anterior fornix.

They both work just fine for me.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


I didnt know you had a vagina.

I hope there is something to it because my fingers are not very long!

Do they have the same or different effects?

If you had long fingers you could put one on the g, one on the cds and one on the epicenter, and your toungue on the clit. If you are double jointed too hahaha.


Can I say one thing more - No one ever needed an anatomical diagram to get a guy off!


I didnt know you had a vagina.>>

Of course I do, its between my redheaded wife’s legs;)

>>Do they have the same or different effects?>>

I think all three basically do the same thing and that is give great orgasms when they are the focus of stimulation.

>>No one ever needed an anatomical diagram to get a guy off! >>

True, true.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


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