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Sex tips for men from a gay woman


Originally Posted by One Lesbian, One Sellout
There are other faux-pas responses, but the worst has to be: “Well, honey, there’s just more of you to love.”

If it seems like a no-win situation, you can turn it around by saying: “You are beautiful” and then proceed to gently touch all the areas she is self-conscious about. The more compliments you give her, the more attractive, confident and sexually desirable she will feel and therefore be.

Women feel the same pressure about breast size that men feel about penis size. While many men might love a busty woman, most naturally well-endowed females are self-conscious about the size of their breasts.

They may have been teased when they were young. For this reason, it isn’t a good idea to say: “Wow, you are stacked. I never realised your tits were so big.”

Women with small breasts probably got teased too. But many men prefer small, perky breasts to large ones. But don’t call them “small”, just call them “beautiful”.

Do share the responsibility for birth control with your partner. This may mean buying the condoms and sharing any costs. Or it could mean going with her to the gynaecologist if she wants you to.

Don’t complain about using a condom and never pressure her to go on the pill. Take a genuine interest and discuss the subject with her. And if your lover does fall pregnant unexpectedly, don’t run away. Take on some of those lesbian communication skills and discuss it with her.

It’s up to each individual to decide whether to engage in sex while drunk or high, but at least be honest with yourself about the possible effects. Let’s just say that drug and alcohol use isn’t going to make you a Casanova.

AFTER the initial burst of charm, most men concentrate on the rush to penetration. This will not put you in the Great Lovers’ Hall of Fame.
MEN have endless questions when it comes to women’s orgasms. And so do women.

Many women think something is wrong if they aren’t having orgasms through penetration and want to learn how to have vaginal orgasms.

:down: :down:

First of all, Kurt Brungart, sounds like a man’s name. Therefore, he has obviously lost his balls. Secondly, I will give the lesbian 50% attention, and the rest of it goes in the circular file.

Compliment, but don’t compliment. Notice her, but don’t notice her. This is exactly what the big gap problem in sexual communication is in this country, thanks to you know who. Look, But Don’t Touch. Touch, But Don’t Taste. Taste, But Don’t Swallow. When is the madness going to end?

Formerly known as Sex&Guns. R.I.P.

This is just stupid, no guy that really WANTS to give pleasure to a women neglect these things.

Not even in the medieval age’s for cryin’ out loud. I think this girl became lesbian because she only

got selfcenterd men….

Last edited by rymdrattan : 02-03-2005 at .

Good tutorial. But wait a minute. When men and women tell about their ultimate sex experiences they always seem to include at least one “vaginal orgasm” in the story. Since “at least some” clitoral stimulation is supposed to be necessary for her to orgasm through “penetration only”, this has PE consequences.

It would mean that if your penis is too long, i.e. that you can’t quite get it all in, it becomes less likely that you to make sufficient contact with her clitoris with your body during the in-and-out motion. Then she would be less likely to have orgasms just from penetration, not more likely.

The conclusion must be that PE should be directed to enhancing the balls and fat pad, not the penis, if ability to produce “vaginal orgasms” is what we see as the ultimate reward for our efforts.

This can’t be right.

Good lord!!! I never knew I was a actually a lesbian until today!!! :)

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Pretty generic and obvious stuff in there. If you’ve been living under a rock or never had sex with a woman, some of that stuff might help you.

Personally, I had always thought, yeah, that would be a good idea to get to know how a lesbian couple do it. I even considered getting some of those books out there. But after reading this post last night, I got to thinking, what does a lesbian — or any woman, for that matter — know about how a man should make love to a woman? We’re obviously not lesbians and will never be able to make love to a woman like a lesbian. If a woman wants to be made love to like a lesbian, I would imagine she’d go out and get herself a woman.

Like I said, they can tell you some really obvious, generic stuff: lick here, touch that, don’t squeeze to hard, etc., but you learn that stuff anyway during your relationship with the woman you’re with. All women are different. And sex isn’t static anyway. What a woman likes today, she may not like tomorrow or next week. There’s really no set-in-stone rules. The best part of sex is learning what your partner likes or doesn’t, and the experimentation and variety that goes along with that.

Ever notice how the men are supposed to be sensitive about a woman’s body, and the women can be however they want, talk to their girlfriends, make men feel insecure, and so on…

Originally Posted by wangchung
Ever notice how the men are supposed to be sensitive about a woman’s body, and the women can be however they want, talk to their girlfriends, make men feel insecure, and so on..


Originally Posted by twatteaser
Women feel the same pressure about breast size that men feel about penis size.

Really? I don’t think so.

Originally Posted by twatteaser
… But many men prefer small, perky breasts to large ones.

Ah, so now it’s not the same pressure. Gotcha:thumbs:

Very good article though.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

This kinda shit, right here, irritates me. We have be so gentle and soft, and sweet and considerate with women’s feelings. But most of the reason we are here is because they crushed ours.

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

Hell ya wangchung and save the sane.

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord


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