Sexual Addicts
I have been a member of all types of groups, clubs and forums on the internet. I have to admit that the vast majority of them have been of a sexual nature. Mainly pictures and conversations.
Yahoo! has been my favorite home but because they are a little money hungry or just plain stupid, it has been hard to find much interest in Yahoo! groups. So I had gotten into the habit of venturing around MSN. MSN isn’t as structured as Yahoo! but it was an option.
Since I am not a big fan of MSN, I don’t frequent the groups on there much at all. As a matter of fact, I am rarely on MSN and Yahoo! much. Upon deciding to go through my memberships on MSN, I came across a group that had recently closed. That’s not usual. What was usual was the message left behind.
The owner of the group apparently feels he suffers from sexual addiction. He urges any of his members who frequent any sites pertaining to porn, to seek help. He provided a site one could go to to get information about sexual addictions.
I laughed it off but in the back of my head I had to wonder could I be considered a sexual addict. It is really far fetched but I had to investigate.
Upon investigating many site talking about sexual addictions, I found that I was more confused than when I began. There was no where that gave a clear view of what really was considered a sexual addiction.
I found test to take but it just lead to say if you answer yes to one, you could be… Yet, answering yes to one of the questions on many of the test would make everyone a sexual addict.
Does looking at pictures of nude people or short videos of men and women engaging in sex make a person sexually addicted even just a little bit?
I know I am not even close to the definition, but I thought I’d ask anyway.
You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
Zig Ziglar