Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

She Has Herpes

Herpes is forever but it can manifest only when the person is somehow weak, if you see cuts on the lips that means that she sucked a herpes cock and got it, if you see little cuts on her vagina that means she had sex without a condom and got it, if you see nothing on her lips and her vagina that means the virus isn’t manifested you can kiss her and go down on her with no problem, just stay aware with the little cut they are full with herpes virus, and one more think if she got by sucking a dude the virus can manifest on her lips and pussy but with she got by having sex the virus only manifest on the pussy, hope that helped

Start BPEL 5.5 EG 5.2 09-20-2011

GOAL 7x6 - on a 5'5 guy it will look huge

Originally Posted by ventitre

All of us have herpes, but it is a latent virus that wakes up in some conditions of immunodeficiency (generally stress related).

Don’t spread false information. Not everyone has it. I know I don’t.

Originally Posted by ventitre
All of us have herpes, but it is a latent virus that wakes up in some conditions of immunodeficiency (generally stress related).

Where on Earth did you pick up that very false information?

The only thing partially true about what you say is that if you do in fact contract herpes, it does go into dormancy periods and then can flare up for various reasons, and one of those reasons is in fact stress related.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Get your ass out of there. Leave her in the past. I wouldn’t do it!

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

To those of you that know you don’t have it: I assume you have done repeated tests over a period of years?

Originally Posted by herpesonline
Q: How common is herpes?

A: Most Americans have herpes, either as genital herpes, or as cold sores, the main difference is site of preference and social acceptance. Experts estimate that 60 million Americans have the virus that causes the genital form of herpes. In a recent study conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and The American Social Health Association, there are more than 15 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections each year. That’s 41,095 people, newly infected, every day!

Up to 80 percent of Americans have the most common form of herpes (HSV-1) at some time. It usually appears as oral herpes and is most often spread without sexual contact.

Do some reading up on the topic and you will find that the infection rate world wide approaches 90% for HSV-1. I have never had a cold sore and yet assume that I am infected.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by UpTo7

Don’t spread false information. Not everyone has it. I know I don’t.

This is not false information, today we can say that the most of population on the planet has it ( I mean the herpes simplex, HSV1); I hope you have not anyway you can have and you don’t know, you may have also if a clinical test say not for the virus characteristics (it is hidden on the nervous ganglia). Why speaking without knowing?

Last edited by ventitre : 01-12-2012 at .

Well, here’s my take. If she gets facial herpes from time to time, don’t let it be a deal breaker. I mean, I get herpes on my lip from time to time, and as much as I hate it, it’s not that big of a deal.

But if she has genital herpes, personally, I would stay the fuck away from her. just thinking about it disgusts me.

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:

Hell then if we all have it the why does some people get huge outbreaks and some dont. 90% osnt all either.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Originally Posted by ventitre
This is not false information, today we can say that the most of population on the planet has it ( I mean the herpes simplex, HSV1); I hope you have not anyway you can have and you don’t know, you may have also if a clinical test say not for the virus characteristics (it is hidden on the nervous ganglia). Why speaking without knowing?

First you said “all of us”, now you’re saying “most of population”. Make up your mind.

How is saying “all of us have herpes” not false information? Where did you read that each and every human being has herpes?

I know what I’m talking about and I know that I don’t have herpes.

I did a little google hopping and it turns out there are 8 different kinds of herpes.

Herpes 1 is the kind that does in fact effect a very large portion of the population and is the kind that gives you cold sores in your mouth.

Herpes 2 is the kind that effects your sexual organs and is probably the kind of herpes that this thread was all about. I don’t know the percentage of the population that is infected by this virus, but it is a lot less than the herpes 1 virus.

Herpes 3 is the kind of herpes that gives you shingles and now that I am 60 years old, I am supposed to get a vaccine to prevent shingles and I will be getting that vaccine very soon.

Here is a complete list of all eight types:

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I dated a woman in the 1980s for 2 years and half-way through that time I noticed she kept getting cold sores on her lips about every 2 months. I jokingly said: “Do you have herpes?”

And she paused and said: “Yes.”

And she knew a lot of the stuff that’s being tossed around here, about how pervasive oral herpes is (especially amongst her Irish peers) and how tons of people have it but don’t show symptoms. By this time we had been orally intimate a couple times, and I’d wondered why she wasn’t more into that. She was avoiding kissing any part of me when she even thought she “might” be on the verge of an outbreak.

So I assume I have it. My wife of 20 years, my kids, and I all have no symptoms. My old girlfriend married an Irish guy with herpes and they have two herpes-infested kids.

Herpes for 38 years or so here… I understand everyone has HSV1 (oral herpes). HSV2 is typically genital and is only passable from one to another if contact occurs where the skin has an opening, i.e micro tears in tissue you may not be aware of and bingo.

It is good you aware of this up front…now it is whether you want to risk infection with this woman. If there are no symptoms or sores there is a good chance you won’t contract.

Condoms are effective so don’t rule them out.

Last edited by zy : 01-16-2012 at .

So I’m assuming that this hsv1 herpes is harmless? If 80% of population it has to be right. I haven’t got a cold sore yet not saying that I don’t have it but you can’t assume I do either.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Thanks for all the replies, gentlemen.

She’s been through a lot since we’ve been apart. I still care about her a lot, but I think I’m beginning to realize that we’re not the same people we were years ago.

I’m 31 years old and women aren’t exactly lining up to date me, so I guess I’m getting a bit desperate. But with her crazy ex, nutty family, 2 kids, and now this, I think I would just be setting myself up for a lot of heartache and frustration.

Originally Posted by Coop
Thanks for all the replies, gentlemen.

She’s been through a lot since we’ve been apart. I still care about her a lot, but I think I’m beginning to realize that we’re not the same people we were years ago.

I’m 31 years old and women aren’t exactly lining up to date me, so I guess I’m getting a bit desperate. But with her crazy ex, nutty family, 2 kids, and now this, I think I would just be setting myself up for a lot of heartache and frustration.


I applaud you for making the right decision. No matter what the herpes guys tell you on here, genital herpes is avoidable. You’re doing the right thing by avoiding her with all of the baggage you mention and the disease thrown in for good measure.

Start 10/24/10: BPEL: 6.0 BPFL: 4.25; EG: 4.75

Current: BPEL: 7.75 Base Girth: 5.75 UHG: 4.9375 NBPEL 6.75 Goal - 9.0 BPEL

(Extender to Bib Hanger|Jelq to Pump)


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