I do like queefing, but for her sake I know that too much air in her will keep her walls from feeling the rest of my length. I’ve told my girl that I like it we giggled together. She said that it didn’t suprise her that I liked it considering all of the other kinky things that I enjoy about sex. A queef is just a cute reminder of what is going on an the awesome sacred place of her body that she is allowing you to enter.
Whether or not you find anything positive about a queef, do not make her feel embarrassed. Always act as if nothing happened, or let her know that they don’t bother you. Some women are really embarrassed by this. Make them feel comfortable by you actions or comments. Don’t mention too much about it though if it isn’t appropriate.
I’m just different and love em’ sometimes….hehe….
Yes, it does happen from pulling out too far in most cases during rear entry. Think about it. Gravity pulls her lower abdomen down easily in this position. So while her vagina is relaxed and open for you, and you back out, something takes the place that you just occupied, and it is air…..