Thunder's Place

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Smoothies, and chocolate for stamina?

Smoothies, and chocolate for stamina?

Recently I have been going over my “close friend’s” house a lot and having sex. We are both from california and love fruit, so she always has a large amount of frozen fruits in her freezer. Well over the last 2 weeks I have been making smoothies ( fruit, juice and sherbert) before hooking up. I have noticed that my erections have been strong and stamina increased. I also have been eating chocolate before just by chance (cookies, chocolate milk, etc).

Now I know that some fruits and chocolate are aphrodisiacs that get you stimulated, but does that also mean it can help your stamina? I have found that second gear in the last couple of weeks that i usually dont have consistantly with sex.

Just wondering what you guys and gals thought. This is definetly not a new idea or topic, but was actually wondering if any of you members find yourself eating or drinking something hours before sex that makes you “last a little longer”. For example in high school I had a freiend who had a certain flavor of those SOBE drinks before sex that made him “go longer”. Maybe its all in our head, but hey, whatever helps I say.

I swear I'm going to stop at 8... ok maybe 8.5 :D

Sobe contains supplements like ginseng, which improves sexual performance in my experiences. Different kinds contain different ingredients.


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