One Month Later -
The Doc’s office scheduled a follow up 1 month from the date of the surgery. I get to the office and learn real quick that things don’t change - ‘Here - go fill the little white cup - the Doc will see you shortly.’
So, I’m sitting there and watching the patients coming in and out, and I’m thinking ‘Some of these folks really look bad - damn, this is sad.’ One older gentleman came in and slowly made his way to a chair and, in obvious pain, sank into the chair. He caught my eye, nodded politely, and the faintest smile crossed his lips. Then his wife, I think, came in and sat beside him. She took his hand, gently patted him on the knee, and he slowly put his head on her shoulder. I damned near cried.
I saw the Doc for a few minutes, we discussed my progress, and he gave me some more news. ‘The retention caused some bladder damage. However, the bladder is very resiient and can heal. You’re doing great so far and both the bladder and your muscle control appear to be fine.’ ‘We’ll run a quick ultrasound for residual just to make sure and we’ll talk some more in a few minutes.’ So I’m now back in the torture chamber on an examining table and in walks the nurse. ‘Relax - no stirrups for you today but loosen your belt, unzip your pants, and roll your shorts down to just above your penis.’ GULP!
So I do as she says. Thank goodness I have trimmed my pubic hair. She slops on a glob of gel (ice cold) and proceeds to run an ultrasound probe over and around the lower abdomen and pubic bone. ‘Less than 50.’ ‘What’s that mean?’ I ask. ‘It means that you currently have about 50 ml in your bladder. Since you voided not too long ago when you provided the test specimen this is an indication of bladder efficiency.’ ‘What’s good/bad?’ ‘100 ml - we like to see as little as possible but 50 is good.’ ‘Here are some kleenex - use these to wipe off the gel.’ ‘You mean you’re not . . .’ - NO! and she gives me her evil grin as she leaves the room.
I’m just zipped up and the Doc walks in. ‘50 is good - It really pays to be healthy - I’ll need to see you again a year from now.’
To be Continued . . .