Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

SS cream for the bad kind of PE.



any news from the doctor?

Unfortunately no.

This whole situation is rather bizarre. Not the lack of a response from my email, mind you, but the entire enigma that is the SS Cream.

For one, there a number of publications in very prestigious scientific journals (Nature, New England Journal of Medicine, International Journal of Impotence Research, Urology, etc.) detailing the results of studies on the SS Scream. Not only does it work for bad PE but it also seems to help ED as well. According to the research, it may very well be every male’s sexual philosopher stone.

Now considering a product with these attributes, someone is clearly sitting on a gold mine yet the “paper” trail (google) suddenly stops around the year 2000. The only thing I can find after 2000 is a gigantic list of individuals interested in procuring it.

The website I found that Dr. Choi was supposedly affiliated with has a copyright stamp of 2001-2002 on it and he hasn’t published anything on his male “miracle” since 2000. It was supposed to be approved by the Korean FDA but it’s not for sale (at least from my search) anywhere in Korea. The US FDA was supposedly going to approve/disapprove it, yet there’s no information on it from the FDA.

Normally I would think this was a hoax but considering it’s long list of publications I’m left in limbo.


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