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Strange Problem.

Strange Problem.

Okay. So..

I didn’t really know what forum this belonged in.. So I put it here.

Here’s the background of my problem.

I used to masturbate laying face down (Prone) and I got over that.. Well I just realized.. While masturbating.. Getting a blow job.. Anything.. I have to stretch my legs out.. And lock my knees to be able to feel pleasure..

Example: If I am sitting at my desk in a chair masturbating.. If my feet are on the floor in a normal position then when I rub my penis I don’t really feel much pleasure.. But if I lean back in my chair so my legs are stretched all the way out and straight (knees locked) I then feel pleasure. I hope this makes sense..

The problem is if I am having sex or getting a blow job in a position where my knees are bent or I can’t lock my knees straight then I don’t feel that pleasure surge and horniness. I find this really strange and I just really realized it was happening. I thought I had ED but I am now thinking this is the cause.. Cause when I have my knees locked a few strokes and I am 100% hard.. Otherwise it stays semi about 40%.

So for one this is really hard on my knees and caused my ankles to pop a lot.. And if I get into it.. I lock my knees for too long and they get tired.. Then I lose my erection and all the pleasure I was building up.. I find this really strange as I can not find anyone else with this problem when I google it and stuff.. I don’t know why it would be like this.. I think it has to do with prone masturbating.. When I would hump my hand face down I think my legs would have to stick out and flex to be able to hump fast enough.. And I learned this in order to get off.. Now that I masturbate traditionally and have for about 4 years.. I have to extend my legs like I said.. I can’t sit with my legs bent and feet flat on the floor and feel pleasure..

Anyone else have this problem? Anybody know any reason that would cause this!? It’s really bizzare!

I masturbate prone too on occasion, but have been told to stop by too many people to count and medical professionals as well. You should stop prone masturbating immediately because it will leave you unable to having pleasure from regular masturbation/intercourse. Get into the habit of masturbating regularly and your decreased sensation should fade over time.

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

Oops, sorry just re-read your post and just saw the part where u said u stopped rofl :)

Disregard my post

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

Originally Posted by ThickShady
Okay. So..

I didn’t really know what forum this belonged in.. So I put it here.

Here’s the background of my problem.

I used to masturbate laying face down (Prone) and I got over that.. Well I just realized.. While masturbating.. Getting a blow job.. Anything.. I have to stretch my legs out.. And lock my knees to be able to feel pleasure..

Example: If I am sitting at my desk in a chair masturbating.. If my feet are on the floor in a normal position then when I rub my penis I don’t really feel much pleasure.. But if I lean back in my chair so my legs are stretched all the way out and straight (knees locked) I then feel pleasure. I hope this makes sense..

The problem is if I am having sex or getting a blow job in a position where my knees are bent or I can’t lock my knees straight then I don’t feel that pleasure surge and horniness. I find this really strange and I just really realized it was happening. I thought I had ED but I am now thinking this is the cause.. Cause when I have my knees locked a few strokes and I am 100% hard.. Otherwise it stays semi about 40%.

So for one this is really hard on my knees and caused my ankles to pop a lot.. And if I get into it.. I lock my knees for too long and they get tired.. Then I lose my erection and all the pleasure I was building up.. I find this really strange as I can not find anyone else with this problem when I google it and stuff.. I don’t know why it would be like this.. I think it has to do with prone masturbating.. When I would hump my hand face down I think my legs would have to stick out and flex to be able to hump fast enough.. And I learned this in order to get off.. Now that I masturbate traditionally and have for about 4 years.. I have to extend my legs like I said.. I can’t sit with my legs bent and feet flat on the floor and feel pleasure..

Anyone else have this problem? Anybody know any reason that would cause this!? It’s really bizzare!

I think you built this up in your head you associate the stretching of your legs with pleasure so when you don’t stretch them your mentally not horny. Just a bad habit id force yourself to masturbate in different positions to force it out of your head. Good luck

Erect Length 8.500 inches , Erect Girth5.700 inches, Flaccid Length 5 inches, hang Flaccid Girth 4.2 inches, Erect Width 1.814 inches,

Erect Volume 21.977cubic inches


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