Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The effect of sex on men

The effect of sex on men

I think this is the best place for this thread but I’m not sure. Feel free to move it, if it’s not.

Recently I have been wondering what effect sex or lack thereof has on men. Have there been any studies or findings on this issue?

My reason for asking is that I go on a pretty predictable cycle after I have sex. But my situation is very odd which might make the results different; more on that later. Basically the same day and up to a couple of days after I have sex, my confidence level is above average and I’m practically satisfied. On about a week later I’m really horny. As the days then weeks go by, I slip into a state of depression. Every day I have constant headaches that are caused by my frustration that I can’t get laid again and I don’t know when or even if I will ever have it again. I spend the entire day thinking about sex and simply over think and worry about it and I’m generally very pissed off most of the time. I can’t focus on anything else, have great difficulty sleeping and there are times during the day when my body feels very week and I can barely walk. Also I get very jealous of people that are having sex, to the point where I am extremely angry. Thankfully I’m able to hold it in when ever I’m around people.

I’m currently going on a little over a month now and I’ve experienced these symptoms for about a week now. This is the second time that I’ve gone about a month without and I have no idea when I’ll get it again so all I do is worry, which means more headaches. It also means that everybody around me sees me as desperate and needy, which I am. They also see me as freaky and weird. It has caused the loss of a friendship with two girls and has placed a friendship with a guy that I just made on very shaky ground. Only his patience has kept it going; but I fear that it will end soon because I keep saying stupid shit even though I’m only being honest about how I feel. I have other major issues that contribute to my depression but I believe the lack of sex is the primary reason.

I’m wondering what effects sex has on the other members of this forum; especially those that haven’t been able to get some in a long time. You, know the saying “Misery loves company.”

I understand completely Maxtro. I am married with five kids and my wife is usually in a pretty wiped out mood when I come home from work. I need sex with her three times a week to keep that confident, euphoric feeling afterward. I can honestly say that I gain about 10-15% extra, oomph in my daily work if we have had a good roll the night before. You just feel a lot more calm, focused and not so fixated on sex. I find that if more than a few days go by in between, I am impatient, irritated, feel unappreciated and cannot stop thinking about sex.

Right now we have had one quickie on the bathroom floor in 2 weeks and I am literally on the ceiling. Getting married and having kids is a great joy but you really have to ratchet the sexual expectations down. It sounds like you are single and when you get some it is new and hot. If you settle down with one lady, enjoy that first year because it will be the best sexually and will only cool down after she gets that ring on her finger and you have kids. I bust my rear as hard as my wife around the house and work a full-time job supporting our family. I am tired and worn out too but do you think she hears that from me when she is horny? No way…

I personally think society has it backward when it comes to sex. It seems that the single people are sexually “on” (women are ready, willing and able), doing lots of freaky things and the married people are slowing down and having, “married sex” (spoon on Saturday morning with bed hair and morning breath-big thrill) if they have it at all. I think that once you are married and committed to each other you should keep things hot. No fear of STDs, rejection, awkward newness getting used to each other, nothing! Its just you two and anything you can dream up! Just something I have been feeling lately, it should be the other way around.

Hope this helps! I too feel a lot of the same emotional and physical symptoms you suffer from. You are not alone!

current: 7.5BPEL 5.7EG(mid)
goal: 8.5BPEL 6-6.25EG(mid)

it has an effect on our mind/body.
Of course after sex we feel good.
It’s like a drug.

Anyway maybe is important to
understand that testosterone does
a costant work on us.
It’s a chemical work, which gradually
takes place after the puberty, and
it works, every day, on us.

I say: let it work. LOL

I know sometimes it seems boring.
It’s a cycle, as you have said.
We have this need of sex, and we fall
in little depression if we dont have it.
We have aggressivity, and we feel
our mind moving in a precise direction …
the mind of a man!

IMO …We have to follow anyway the nature of the things.

It’s good for a man to have a good
attitude towards sport. To feel good with ourselves.
And to develop a sense of indipendence.
Yes we need sex, and a woman.
But is not possible to have it all the time.

Also women have their problems, remember.
During their period, they feel nervous, is different
from us, but try to see what nature…does.

Let your hormones work, it’s important to
be a man, or a women.

This little depression you feel is the work of hormones
on your mind. You are developing the typical mind of a man.
And body, too.
Dont worry…it’s normal.

Use it and build a great body!


Read this…maybe it helps!


I was talking to a good friend a few nights ago,
and he told me an interesting story.

He was walking home recently, when he walked by
a couple who were obviously in an emotional discussion.

As it turned out, the woman was breaking up with
the man, and he was trying to understand why.

The interchange went something like this:

Her: “I’m not ATTRACTED to you anymore… I just don’t

Him: “But I would do ANYTHING to make this work…
I’ll do anything you want… just tell me what to

Her: “That’s the problem. You just don’t get it.”

….and that was all he heard.

Have you ever been there?

Have you ever had a girlfriend break up with you,
or just drift away, and the more you tried to hold
on, the further she ran from you? And the more you
tried to be a “good guy” and please her, the more
distant she became?

Well, me too. I’ve been there MORE than once in
my life.


The worst part about it was NEVER UNDERSTANDING

I can remember being that guy I just told you the
story about… and asking “Why? Why are you confused?
What do I have to do to make this work?”

I was willing to change, act different, or whatever.

Little did I know at the time, but it was this EXACT
attitude that led to all the problems in the first

If you’ve read my newsletters for awhile now, you
probably know that women don’t feel the emotion called
ATTRACTION for guys who act weak, needy, insecure
and “WUSS-LIKE”.

But unless you know this to begin with, then it’s
ALL TOO EASY to become a “nice”, overly-accommodating,
uninteresting, predictable, boring guy… and even
though it seems logical that a woman should love to
be treated like a queen at all times, you’ve probably
found out, just like I have, that this combination
usually leads to a woman either 1) Leaving you…
or 2) Becoming increasingly controlling, domineering,
and neurotic.

So what’s up with that? Why does this happen? And
more importantly, what can we do to avoid getting into
this horrible position of losing a woman’s attention
because we’re trying to be nice to her?

Here’s my take, after studying this stuff for about
five years now…


In other words, we humans don’t CHOOSE who we feel
attracted to… and, JUST AS IMPORTANT, who we DON’T
feel attracted to.

ATTRACTION happens for reasons all its own, and
these reasons have evolved inside of us over the last
several million years.

While culture, peer pressure, and trends can shape
our natural drives slightly, the FUNDAMENTALS NEVER


Most men can’t believe it, but to a woman your
looks just aren’t that important.

Sure, if you don’t take care of yourself, don’t
bathe, and let two of your front teeth rot out you
might scare away the ladies.

But for the most part, women will look past just
about ANY physical issue if she feels that all-important
emotion called ATTRACTION.

And ATTRACTION is created by your PERSONALITY.

For women, ATTRACTION is triggered by male qualities
like: Dominance, Humor, Unpredictability, Adventure,
Strength, Sexual Awareness, Indifference, Etc.


‘Nuff said.


When a woman begins to feel a romantic connection
with you, she faces an interesting problem…

How can she tell for sure if you’re character and
personality are the way you’re expressing them?

As we all know, men and women BOTH show off and
exaggerate their “good sides” while downplaying and
hiding their negative traits at first. This is why
men suck in their guts, brag, and show off… and
why women wear makeup, do their hair, and shop all
day for their clothes.

If you were a woman, and you needed to figure out
if a man was showing you his “true self”, how would
you do it?

What if you had to know FOR SURE?

The only way is to TEST on an ongoing basis, and
to keep escalating the tests to be sure.

Put all this together (with a bunch of other factors
that I don’t have time to talk about) and you get
an interesting problem that women face…

A woman responds to a man that stirs her emotions,
and causes her to want him so badly that she’ll put
aside all logic and reason to be with him.

But what if the man is just pretending? What if
he only SEEMS to be this confident, funny, manly-man
on the outside, but he’s actually a push-over WUSS-BAG
that is insecure and makes up for it by acting like
a tough guy?

Or worse yet, what if he’s a WUSS all the time,
and she just happened to settle for him because he
was available and persistent… and she didn’t have
anything better going on at the time… but now she
has other options?

Well, these are the kinds of situations, that when
played out, lead to the story that I started with…
a man begging a woman to stay… pleading with her to
explain what he has to do to keep her.

Of course, this is all WUSSY behavior, and it only
serves to put the final nail in the coffin, convincing
the object of your desire that you are ABSOLUTELY,
beyond the shadow of any doubt, a Wuss.

So what’s the answer?


If you want to make your dating life a whole lot
better and easier, then stop and think about your
behavior… and resolve right now to stop acting like
a WUSS for the rest of your life.

Being “nice” and “accommodating” and “understanding”
is great for friendships and social relationships,

An interesting, attractive woman doesn’t want a
guy that she can push around. She doesn’t want a guy
who does what she wants him to do. She doesn’t want
a little boy that she can train and raise.

An interesting, attractive woman wants a MAN.


I know what you mean Maxtro. My girlfriend was recently one week in France. The two last days before she returned I was hostile and agressive. I noticed I mad a fuss out of trifles all the time! Now when she has returned and we spent a lot of time together, I was feeling exceptionally happy when I went to bed last night. It might just be me being happy about her coming back, but I felt it was a little something more. Maybe the sex?

Ok Xaixoit, how does the guy who has been considered a “WUSS” go about changing his perception? I am married and have been for a long time, over the years I have become wusslike and now I recognize it, and want to change it. ANy suggestions?

IW8 4/2003 5.5 BPEL 4.5 EG 218 lbs 4/2004 6.875 BPEL 5.0 EG 198 lbs

Next stop 7.0 BPEL !

https://www.dou …
Go for this site!
It has some good material
and a free email.

Hey, I am not saying to be expert about this.
But I read some material about and it make sense…
It is something to read and reflect, seriously,
and after find in our personal way
how to apply in our life.

I have changed a lot, after reading this…


I feared that it only happened to me but I guess getting and not getting sex basically effects us all the same way. I haven’t even guessed that married men go though the same thing. For some reason I just assumed that married people have sex everyday or almost that frequently.

Yes I am single; I always have been. New and hot is a great way to describe it. The guy friend I mentioned has no problem getting laid at all and he basically has his own mini harem. He has told me that it takes him a while to get an erection because a naked woman just doesn’t excite him as much as it used to. Also he is almost happy all the time, always smiling and joking around.

I wonder if there is anything that can be taken that triggers the “after sex hormones.” I don’t want to loose more hornyness desire for sex, but I don’t think I should feel depressed everyday because I can’t have sex.

My life situation (single dad with kids) mostly prevents me from dating or having regular sex with someone else. There is absolutely nothing wrong with masturbation to keep yourself stable and tuned. It works just like staying in shape and taking care of your teeth. Love and take care of your whole body and then you are healthy and able to enjoy what’s out there.

I do masturbate. About 2-3 times a day and it just doesn’t cut it. For some reason the after effects of masturbating and sex are very different for me. It barely keeps me stable.

I crave sex. I’m also wondering if there is any scientific findings that men need sex. I know there are other things in this world, some more important than sex. But to me nothing else matters. It’s my first thought when I wake up and I think about it non-stop and it’s my last thought before I go to sleep.

Originally Posted by i_want_8_inches
Ok Xaixoit, how does the guy who has been considered a "WUSS" go about changing his perception? I am married and have been for a long time, over the years I have become wusslike and now I recognize it, and want to change it. ANy suggestions?

Dude, Read no more mister nice guy. Buy it new or used off Amazon. Go to Barnes and Noble or Border’s and Pick it up for yourself. Then go to the web site that he has with a forum. Talk to other guys that are married in your specific situation. Meet up with them. Talk, discuss, question, and LEARN from each other. You must make an effort to actually do something. By getting out with this new peer group in your area, you will learn from environmental factors too.

http://www.nomo …
The main forum, look around then register.

http://www.nomo … isplay.php?f=13
Success Stories for motivation.

http://www.nomo … display.php?f=7
Peers looking for friends in your area.

Changing is just like writing. You have to make an effort and time for it. If you can put more excuses up for not changing then your situation cannot be deemed to be unbearable for you.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Not really proof but still interesting.

HBO Bill Maher: New rules

And finally, New Rule: If we really want to stop terrorism, we have to get Muslim men laid. Five British Muslims who were recently sent home from our prison at Guantanamo, charge that their American captors brought in prostitutes to taunt them, because most had never even seen a naked woman before.

And it made me wonder how many members of Al Qaeda have even dated a girl? We should hire women to infiltrate Al Qaeda cells and fuck them. Things would change quickly because young Muslim men don’t really hate America. They’re jealous of America. We have rap videos and the Hilton sisters and magazines with titles like Barely Legal. You know what’s “barely legal” in Afghanistan? Everything!

Young men need sex, and if they don’t get it for month and after month after month, they wind up cursing the day they ever decided to go to Cornell. Personal.

Have you ever wondered why the word from the Arab street is always so angry? It’s because it’s a bunch of guys standing in the street! Which is what guys do when they don’t have girlfriends, when they’re not allowed to even talk to a girl. Of course they want to commit suicide! Unlike this country where it’s the married guys who want to kill themselves.

But here we always have hope. You can at least talk to a girl. And one might be crazy enough to go for you. Or you could get rich and buy one, like people do in Beverly Hills. But the connection between no sex and anger is real. It’s why prizefighters stay celibate when they’re in training, so that on fight night, they’re pissed off and ready to kill.

It’s why football players don’t have sex after Wednesday. And conversely, it’s why Bill Clinton never started a war.

And so, to paraphrase the sign in Mr. Clinton’s old war room, “It’s the pussy, stupid.”

We need the Coalition of the Willing to be really willing! We need to mobilize two divisions of skanks - a regiment of ho’s, and a brigade of girls who just can’t say no. All under the command of Col. Ann Coulter. Who will be dressed in her “Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS” uniform.

Forget the Peace Corps. We need a “Piece of Ass Corps”! Girls, there’s a cure to terrorism, and you’re sitting on it!

I want to say a thing about masturbation.

I keep it simple, ok?

I have often reflect why masturbation leaves a …
strange sensation, in many people.
I believe there are some reasons, but the principals are
that, sex with a partner, is something more ‘complete’;
is more natural to share the energy of sex with somebody
and there is a great pleasure to mix our physical, mental
energy with a lover. So, in some cases, masturbation
leaves a sense of…lack of this things.

Anyway I want to share a little tip about masturbation.
You can agree or not, it’s only an opinion.

I have noticed, that, when I masturbate, it’s better
for me to stay…”more” far from the glans.
I explain!

I have discovered that moving my hand
on the shaft, and staying not “too much” on the glans,
(like I used before…this discover)
it rends this act…more similar to the sensation
of my penis into a vagina.
I believe we guys, when we masturbate
we stay on the glans a lot, because it gives
more stimulation to us, and maybe it’s a cause we
cum too soon, also.

Brain and sexual organs are connected, of course.
When we have a sexual rapport, penis into vagina,
the shaft is the part more stimulated, IMO,
yes also the glans, in part; but not sooooo much.
Reflect and say me if I am right or not.
Yes you can hit her cul de sac, but…
the main movement is that of the shaft which is
well ‘embraced’ and stimulated by the vagina.

At the moment of orgasm (IMO, IMO! LOL)
the glans receive the greatest stimulation.
It’s like my glans and my brain cortex…are connected;
never felt this way? I often feel a body and mental
orgasm, and my eyes tend to go up, and while
my glans seems to explode of energy (cumming of course!)
also the frontal cortex procure a great sensation of pleasure.

It’s difficult to explain all the “chemical” of the event…

Anyway, what I say is:

Overstimulating the glans, can be counterproductive (IMO)
because it’s not a good ‘simulation’ of a real intercourse;
it gives too much stimulation to the brain.
And that’s why the ‘strange’ sensation…after.

To make things simple:
if you want, do this “experiment”:
try to masturbate, keeping the hand
principally on the shaft, like a vagina would do,
and maybe at the moment of orgasm, you stay a little
more on the glans. I think you will see a “difference”.

Personally, I feel myself better doing this way,
and after my mind is more “good”, it’s like…empty,
A sensation “more” similar to …having good sex
with a girl. Empty, relaxed mind. You know …

Only a tip. Use it or forget it.


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