Thriving Testicles: The Ultimate Health Resource
Hey Thunderers,
Through curiosity, I started to research on how to increase the health of the testicles and how to increase the size of testicles.
I am thinking if we can increase our unit through exercises, why not the boys (the testicles) too?
So I am accumulating and researching on the best practices on how to make the boys better, hang better, and increase in size (safely, of course).
As I find more information and tips, I can share what I learn here for your benefits.
However, I want this thread not to be MY thread…this will be OUR thread…open source.
If you find any information or tips, please share here so we can make this the top thread for testicle health and augmentation.
Tip #1:
Lose the whitey tighties (tight white underwear).
The boys like to be hanging freely. The ideal underwear is boxers or boxer briefs. By freeing the boys, you can help in the quality of sperm production and testosterone.
I’ll keep this brief (pun intended)…look out for more tips as we learn together on how to have healthier boys!
P.S. Here are some terms for testicles that may be used in the future for this thread: "The boys, package, junk, balls…"
Other names from the internet: "bells, bollocks, cods, cojones, Cracker Jacks, cullions, family jewels, gems, gonads, hanging brain,kerbangers, knackers, love spuds, man tonsils, manjigglies, marbles, mountain oysters, nads, nuggets, nuts, nut sack, ornaments, package, pelotas, plums, rocks, sack, stones, tenders, two veg." - (Source: What are some slang words for testicles? - Answers)
P.P.S. If you find this thread valuable, please rate 5 stars. :)
Last edited by Harusen : 04-25-2016 at .