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tight foreskin???

tight foreskin???

Hullo! i’m brand spanking new to this forum and have read various posts but so far don’t seem to have found anyone with the same problem. I’m 20 years young, uncircumsized with a dismal length of about 3.5” flaccid, 5.5-6” erect. Naturally with insercurity and stuff i want to change this so here i am. I enjoy sex but although no1 has said anything so far, I feel inadequate and that puts me off. For instance if shes on top it tends to just “fall out” and that just isn’t cricket now is it!

But, thing is, I think I have a problem in that my foreskin seems to be too tight.
When i’m flaccid I can pull it over the head of my penis (with difficulty) but when erect this is not possible. If I pull it over when flaccid and then try to get it erect it pulls tight like a torneque just below the head and it hurts if I dont stop. In fact it feels under pressure and if I continued I’d probably burst something.
This isn’t really a problem in itself as far as sex goes, because I manage quite well without pushing the foreskin back over the head. I just think this may be a contributing factor to my trying PE. Will tight foreskin prohibit me from enlarging? Is there any way to loosen up my foreskin? I’d rather not have to have surgery or anything.

Someone save me!

I’m 20 years young, uncircumsized with a dismal length of about 3.5” flaccid, 5.5-6” erect

Thats not dismal by any means, it is in fact AVERAGE. PE will also quickly improve your flaccid length. Positive thinking is always the first step.

Jelqing for me seemed to stretch the skin out and my foreskin grew to accommodate the extra length so it should be fine. I have since moved to a different jelqing style (holding the foreskin back) but starting off dragging the skin as well will help lengthen everything.

I found this recent thread on tight foreskin stretching that seemed to help some guys in your predicament.

Tight Foreskin & Stretching


I am really happy that my story could be of help here. I also had a period (between 29 and 31 maybe) when my foreskin was too tight and as for you I was able to pull it back when flaccid, but if I erected while the foreskin was pulled back, it would crack - and it did crack, and it hurt especially when in contact with water under the shower (arrghhh…). I therefore tent to have sex with the foreskin not retracted. Well, some girls commented on it, some not. I didn’t care, it was only ONS stuff… but when I entered in my relationship which lead to my marriage two years ago, we had so much heavy fucking that my foreskin cracked several times and it kind of inflamed and the foreskin became bloated like shit (you cannot imagine how bloated foreskin can get). I was about to get circumcised in January 2002 - but first the bloating had to swell back, so I got some cortisone cream which worked fine, but was not to be used forever. Before making an appointment with the urologist to get cut, I started searching the web about sexual health and especially circumcision - well, you guess what happened - I stumbled across PE Forum and shortly after that I found Thunderville. I didn’t really thought about the positive effect of jelqing in respect of my foreskin, but I tried it anyway. Together with the quickstart gains I noticed that my foreskin no longer tortured me in any way. It was all good after maybe 4 weeks of jeqing. Sometimes I used to put some Vaseline on the inner foreskin to keep it smooth, but since maybe a year I don’t use any cream. My foreskin is easily retractable in any state - and since my wife is an absolute foreskin fan I am very happy about all this.

After all I think I can say: For a 5 day per week jelqer (dry jelqing for me) with a full back and forth movement of the foreskin, surgery is absolutely avoidable. Good luck for you!!!

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

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