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To all you Edgers: What have you found to be the pros/cons to edging?


To all you Edgers: What have you found to be the pros/cons to edging?

I just started edging…Im doing it everyday and I think its better to masturbate and not cum so as to not drop my testorone levels…All of you guys who edge, what have you noticed are the primary advantages and disadvantages to edging?? Give your unit any superpowers??? lol


on the edge

Oh yeah man!
Edging is really cool because I can masturbate for a whole hour without cumming and I enjoy myself for much longer. Edging is also supposed to make you produce bigger loads.

I jack off once a week but masturbate (and edge) practically everyday and I get sooo horny man. I have more fun this way rather than blowing my load after 5 minutes, plus I last for a long time in bed now

make it happen, make it long, make it happen, make it fat, make it happen, make it hard, make it happen, make it last, make it happen, make it fast, make it happen, make it real, make it happen, make you feel, make it happen, make it happen, make it happen

The main advantage is that it’s good for PE and feels really good! The disadvantage is that if you blow your load too early then you’re done and frustrated that you came (and that, is irony).

started 10/22/2003: BPEL: 5.5" EG: 4.0" 4/12/2004 BPEL: 6.875" EG: 5.2" 30-min exercise workout and pills

Jacking off has nothin to do with your test levels mate.

Originally Posted by Tigermoth
Jacking off has nothin to do with your test levels mate.

Agreed. If it did, I would have withered away, crumbled to dust. I was a spankoholic in my youth, yet I was building serious muscle mass - would not have bulked up if I was losing my test from the 5-knuckle shuffle.

I think edging is cool and definitely helped my erections.

Originally Posted by Tigermoth
Jacking off has nothin to do with your test levels mate.

I actually believe it has been proven to decrease exogeneous levels of test, doesn’t stop me from doing it though.

I’ve been looking around for something that says testosterone levels decrease after ejaculation, but I haven’t found it. I think this is another PE myth. Some relate it to prolactin, which can cause a decrease in testosterone levels if the prolactin level is abnormally high for a long period of time. There is a slight rise in the prolactin level in men after ejaculation, but it is transient and not high enough nor around for a long enough period to cause any problems with testosterone levels. It does seem to play a part in the refractory period where getting another erection is delayed after ejaculation.

If anyone has a link to an article definitely stating a relationship between ejaculation and T levels, please post it. Otherwise, I’m going to have to agree with Tigermoth and wadzilla and say that this isn’t true.

Westla, the rumors stem apparently from a single abstract. I’ve seen it referenced many times in many places, but have yet to see the full article or find anyone who has actually read it. The wording isn’t clear. Even if taken at face value it doesn’t mean much. T levels fluctuate considerably.

Here is an older post. Read it and those that follow.

Originally Posted by Joystick Grower
plus I last for a long time in bed now

This is the primary reason why I started edging… So I see that your experience leads you to believe that edging helps you prolong your cumming time as well…Has anyone else had a massive increase in cumming time from edging? I have only edged for a week and when I started I almost came in 5 min, now I am almost cumming in 15-20 min…


For the past three days, I’ve been using edging coupled with Supra’s Slammers and follow up with 15 mins. of pumping at 6in hg. Yeah, it’s damn hard to NOT cum but I’m doing it with the other pe’s.

After, doing these , I feel like the man-of-steel, and want to screw just about anything (wifey found this out). If anything, edging increases libido. I don’t know ,about how T-levels are affected, but I feel (personally) that T-levels are increased. I don’t blow my wad and suffer through the process and walk around with a super pumped dick and have not experienced the dreaded blue ball effect.

Decreased T-levels? I agree with Westla show me the proof that T-levels are decreased AFTER ejaculation. When you think about it, T-levels should increase to produce more sperm!

My lovely wife knows!

"Don't be like Jackie. There is only one Jackie. Go to school and study computers instead." Jackie Chan

I’ve been having problems while edging these days. If I do it like three or four times in one fuck session, my dick deflates like I had an orgasm—but I didn’t. And other times I will have an orgasm, but it’ll be weaker than the near-orgasm I had from edging. It’s getting frustrating.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Originally Posted by hobby
Westla, the rumors stem apparently from a single abstract. I’ve seen it referenced many times in many places, but have yet to see the full article or find anyone who has actually read it. The wording isn’t clear. Even if taken at face value it doesn’t mean much. T levels fluctuate considerably.

Here is an older post. Read it and those that follow.

Ah, yes. I participated in that thread and had forgotten about it. Philadelph, check it out. Even though the information is from abstracts, none of them are saying anything about a decrease in T level after ejaculation.

Originally Posted by KOG
I’ve been having problems while edging these days. If I do it like three or four times in one fuck session, my dick deflates like I had an orgasm—but I didn’t. And other times I will have an orgasm, but it’ll be weaker than the near-orgasm I had from edging. It’s getting frustrating.

Damn KOG, is that really you’re wife???


Even after doing a search I’m not sure I fully understand how to do the “edging” technique properly. Can someone please explain how to do this technique? Also what is ballooning and how do you do this technique properly?

While edging, does anyone ever have a problem with getting “blue balls?” I tried edging last year and seemed to have a problem with that.


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