Man I’m just stressed cause relationships/friendships and lack of direction. Wasn’t planning a whole emotive post (got another one on this forum) just wondering if what I’m doing is too little to cause any health/PE affects.
But to cut a long-story short. Firstly, I was sick off acne, so never socialised, lost friends, then sunbathed like a mofo to get rid off acne, now have the face off an 97 year old despite being 24 and making it even harder to socialise. I’m so subconscious of how I look. I can’t believe how much I fucked my face, all red, saggy, scars and fine lines and wrinkles. Every time I look in the mirror I feel shit and I have been trying to treat this for months and only improved a little. When I’m in a pub/club and go in the toilets with those fluorescent lights it knock my confidence down too zero, so I avoid going out until my skin is fixed. Well, before I was studying so no matter how much problems I had I still had to study and go to exams etc and kinda focused. Now I am graduated 2 years and all I do are shitty jobs with minimal people contact and try and avoid life as much as possible. I just want to get fit, get a big cock and repair my skin before I try to go back out into the real world. But even looking in mirrors in the house makes my depressed so I have a drink or two if not exercising.
But I really hate people looking at me or talking too me in person now cause my skin is soooo fucked up. If it never repairs I’m fucked. Even my Granny has smoother younger skin and shes is 80odd.
Even fucking up my sex life. If I get sex I only like doggy etc if lights on. I don’t like to be looked at so close. So, sometimes I get drunk go to hookers and after it feel worse than before. Cause I really don’t want to do it right now but I hate close contact with people and it get’s to a point you gotta do it though. But that’s not fun.
It’s shit man I’ve become obsessed. I have an obsessive peronality but it used to be about muscles and working out and PE etc. Now, I just obsess over my skin more than anything, look in the mirror all day and punch myself in the face. LOL I’m fucked in the head. At least before my obsession used to be constructive and make me feel good. It even getting to the point I hate working out. I’ll be working out and look in the mirror and be like what the fucking point in getting in shape with my face so fucked anyway plus getting fit only givesd me more acne to add to the problems.
This shit is on my head all the time can’t even relax and watch a movie or football, just stare at the actors/footballers and compare there skin too mine and shit. LOL I’m crazy I know haha. Fuck it I’m doomed.