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Tramadol HCL for PrematureEjaculation

Tramadol HCL for PrematureEjaculation

As mentioned by avocet8 about a month ago, Tramadol HCL showed in a study it may help with PrE.
Study is here.

I have acquired some Tramadol, and will test this over the next few days.
I have PrE. It will get better if I have sex often, but I think my test levels are low, so I don’t have next as often as I could… Lately I’ve had sexy like once a week or every two weeks, but before that, my girlfriend and I would only have sex like once every 4-6 weeks. So when we would have sex, I’d last like under a minute, and that’s while going slow. But I don’t have an orgasm, I’ll stop for a bit, then slowly continue. My gf will orgrasm in about 3-4 minutes… which is good and bad. Good because she climaxes, bad because I can’t practice lasting longer.

So I shall give this a try.
I will report back over the next few days.

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"

It definitely makes you last longer. Better than Paxil, which will be an interminable sex session.

50 milligrams will give me half an hour sessions, easy. Sometimes longer.

I sometimes just go down to twenty five because my girl gets tired out.

I’m surprised this hasn’t been mentioned before. It’s one of the better drugs . And easy as hell to get off the internet for cheap prices. Which is illegal, of course. Big Brother gonna come for you.

Tramadol even acts like an anti-depressant. It raises serotonin levels, which is probably the mechanism for making us last longer.

I didn’t know it acted as an antidepressant… I knew it was a mild pain killer, but didn’t know about anti depressant until I read a couple hours ago someone else mentioned it.

I know AD(anti depressants) were prescribed for PrE, but I didn’t know you could take it 1-2 hours before intercourse, I thought for the ADs you needed to take them everyday. And I surely didn’t want to take ADs everyday just for my PrE. I have some prozac here that was prescribed for my dog, I wonder if I took one 1-2 hours before, if it would work the same?

Anyways, I took 25mg tonight. It worked, not as long as I wanted though.
I lasted a couple minutes, then I stopped for like 20 seconds, then I could go again for like another 30-60 seconds. Bad part is, I was thinking about it the whole time because of the Tramadol, so I’m sure that sped up the process. When I did the ‘stop and go’, I could go for longer than before. When I stopped before, it didn’t help at all. And when I was stopping, I wasn’t completely stopping, just going slow.
So it was pretty good. When I felt like I was going to ejaculate, it was more of a slow gradual feeling coming on, rather than like my penis was going to explode, lol.

I’ll try 50mg next time. I’m 240lbs, and most meds take higher dosages to effect me, so I wonder if 50mgs will make a big difference.

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"

Hey smkan2, can you tell us where you got your Tramadol from and what you paid for it. Thx.

Tramado eh? I wonder if they have it in the UK..



I got mine from:

Little expensive, but they came through, so I can’t complain.

I heard this place is good: is for sale | HugeDomains

I don’t know if you need a script or what though, found them after I ordered.

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"

i’m not sure if this is against forum rules. if it is, i’ll edit it out.

the best price is from twenty five bucks for thirty of them.

free shipping and they ship everywhere. never had a problem

Is this something that is taken every day or just prior to sex?

Well I tried 50mgs today.

It was about the same, only a few minutes :(

Better than nothing I guess.

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"

Is this Tramadol HCL something that you take frequently? How often have you taken it?

And what effects did it have on erections? I read that some meds similiar to this (Anti Ds, SSRIs) kill your sex drive and you lose a little of your erection strength.

I just take it before sex. I heard that too about Anti Ds, that’s why I never wanted to take them, for PrE or for depression.

I might try having a few drinks with 25mgs and see how that goes.

Erection is fine, probably if I took it regularly it will have an effect. I’m only gonna take it like once a week.

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"

Any update on this stuff?

Originally Posted by invictus

Is this Tramadol HCL something that you take frequently? How often have you taken it?

And what effects did it have on erections? I read that some meds similiar to this (Anti Ds, SSRIs) kill your sex drive and you lose a little of your erection strength.

This is the key question. Can you take one pill with a completely clean system, and have a orgasm delaying benefit, or is it something you need to take regularly for it to be effective for that?

Horny Bastard

If you read my posts, that is what I did. I doubt it’s as effective as being on it regularly, but did work a decent amount.

Start Dec 10 \'07: BPEL 6 2/16" | EG 5 1/4"

Feb 4: BPEL 6 11/16" | EG 5 2/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7" | EG 5 3/4" Long Term Goal: BPEL 7 3/4 - 8" | EG 6"


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