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Trimix experience and cost?

Trimix experience and cost?

I was reading about Trimix online yesterday, and it made me curious.

For those unfamiliar with Trimix, it is an injection for ED for those that haven’t been happy with the standard prescriptions, either because they don’t work that well, or because they can’t tolerate the side effects, or because they’ve got a medical condition that prevents an erection. It is a blend of alprostadil, papaverine, and phentolamine. You inject between 0.05cc to 0.20cc at the base of the penis in the corpus cavernosa. It seems to be covered by health insurance if you’ve had your prostate removed, but is not usually covered otherwise.

You need a prescription from a urologist to get the stuff. He does a full blood workup and exam, teaches you how to do the injections, and then carefully adjusts the dosage until they get it right. Probably at least 2-3 doctor visits. As far as I can tell, doctors don’t like to prescribe it for “recreational” purposes. You have to convince the doctor you need it.

Finally, there’s a lawsuit someplace that alleges that a stagehand at a porn video company was asked to inject actors with trimix (when nobody had a prescription) to keep them hard for the filming.

So my questions for the thunders crowd:

1) If you tried it, what was your experience?
2) How much did it cost you (doctor’s visits, followup, drug costs)? (My guess is about $1000 for the doctor, plus $10/dose if not covered by insurance)

Live long and prosper.

Last edited by ErnieBanks : 03-02-2016 at .

I have severe ED brought on by Diabetes. When even 100 mg or more of Viagra became ineffective, I was prescribed Trimix. It worked very well for about two years though over the last year I had to increase the dose from 15 units to over 50 units while also tripling the concentration.

When it was working well, I was able to achieve a 95% erection lasting up to an hour. I still use it; however, at best it only provides a 70% erection which I need to supplement with a pump and a tight constriction band.
I pay $80 for 10 ml or 1000 units which at 50 units per injection provides 20 injections or $4 per injection.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Not sure why you choose injecting over gel. There are many gels out now. I have posted about my experiences with them. PM if you want to discuss?

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