Have you considered exhausting all other means before monkeying around with your endocrine system through steroids?
One of the simplest techniques I know of involves increasing your dietary fats to 50% for 30 days and lowering carbs, because you’re shifting your macros and not just stuffing your face with donuts. Some old school bodybuilders even drank raw eggs in cream for this very purpose, and I find raw eggs to be excellent for increasing my testosterone and libido…. Just have to make sure I wash the eggs with hot soap and water to cut down on E. coli and salmonella that would be on the shell.
Other homeopathic techniques I know of are intermittent fasting and going for around 12-16hrs without food, eating more bioavailable protein sources like whey, milk, eggs, and red meats, and then there’s the supplement stacks. If you go that route just remember you have to cycle one month on and one month off, or more preferably taper down for two weeks after a month on. The best supplements I found for this were 2g Tribulus stacked with I think it was half a gram of Long Jack, and then taken with 20mg zinc. I’ve tried all the others and maca was weak, finugreek sucked, and DHEA started off good but only worked for about a week before I got used to it.
Try to exhaust all other means before going to your doctor, and for nothing else you’ll be able to get your shot that much faster….. More likely it will have to be at an anti-aging clinic or one of those unregulated drug fairs.
Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11
Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12
Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12