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Unbalanced Pelvic Floor Erection Issues

Unbalanced Pelvic Floor Erection Issues

Can having an unbalanced pelvic floor cause problems with erections? I mean I know it can cause blood flow problems which cause men to have a weak erection, but can an unbalanced pf effect the ability to hold or maintain an erection? Mine fades very quickly unless there is constant stimulation, and it is much harder to achieve /maintain when I’m standing up. I just hope this isn’t a venous leak problem.

Do you masturbate and watch porn a lot? I was having similar problems and laying off porn and masturbation has helped. I do still edge, and sometimes go to far, but usually I dont cum unless im having sex.

Starting stats BPEL: 5 in. MSEG: 4 1/4 in

Current stats BPEL 5.4 in. MSEG 4 1/4 in.

Goal BPEL: 6 in. MSEG: 5 in.

I mastruabted in the prone position at a young age. I learned how to not do that anymore at probably 16-17 years old. I then jelqed and used an extender, and now have the turtling flaccid and erection problems. I still do watch porn yeah. Maybe laying off for a while could help. My ass muscles are always clenched tho.. I always did this while masturbating and maybe the penis exercises threw my pf out of whack.

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