Epididymitis is usually an inflammatory process of some type. Typically an infection and the testicle will be swollen, painful etc.You can sometimes feel the epididymis if you examine closely, but for it to be that prominent it would typically have to be infected, or sometimes in men who have had a vasectomy it can become somewhat more prominent.
My money is on Varicocele. Lay down on your back for 20-30 minutes and see if you can still feel the “tubes” as prominently, or feel first thing in the morning before you get up. You will probably still feel them, but are they as prominent?
I bet they will be much smaller and more relaxed. That is a Varicocele.
Do varicocele affect sperm count in anyway?I have read different opinions on this but I was wondering since mine ain’t advanced it might not or if there is anyone here who have a varicocele and sperm count is still ok