Thunder's Place

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Venous leak


Venous leak

Can a venous leak really happen from PE’ing? I asked my doctor if I had a venous leak, and he said there’d have to be some damage to the veins, a bruise or something to even consider the possibility. Can anyone tell the difference between a venous leak, and say just not being in the mood?

Yeah I read that, just discusses a guy confusing precum with venous leak though.

You know refresh if you really don’t want to do PE, then don’t do it. Why continually look for reasons not to?

You have the Internet at your disposal. Search for venous leakage and you’ll find way more answers than you’ll get here.

If you can get completely erect for masturbation, you probably don’t have venous leakage.

Did I say anything about PE at all? Nope.

I’m not accusing PE, questioning, back to topic though.

Venous leak would cause an amazing, very noticeable, bruise on your penis. Believe me, if this every happens to you, you won’t be posting it here. You’ll be in a doctor’s waiting room.

Venous leak will likely be caused by thrombotic veins (coagulation problems) and serious, serious trauma to your penis. Hammer your dick’s shaft and you’ll know for sure what it feels like.

Started: BPEL: 13 cm / EG: 10.5 cm // 27-06-07

Now: BPEL: 14.1 cm / EG: 10.7 cm // 18-10-07

Goal: BPEL: 17 cm / EG: 13 cm // Soon ;)

Wow people with venous leak have noticeable leakage like that? I never thought that. I thought the veins just leak too much blood, without any visible sign but a weak erection.

Originally Posted by Sernind
Venous leak would cause an amazing, very noticeable, bruise on your penis. Believe me, if this every happens to you, you won’t be posting it here. You’ll be in a doctor’s waiting room.

Venous leak will likely be caused by thrombotic veins (coagulation problems) and serious, serious trauma to your penis. Hammer your dick’s shaft and you’ll know for sure what it feels like.

I like you.

You’re concise and common sense.

Well said.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
I like you.

You’re concise and common sense.

Well said.

Lol, thanks xD

Started: BPEL: 13 cm / EG: 10.5 cm // 27-06-07

Now: BPEL: 14.1 cm / EG: 10.7 cm // 18-10-07

Goal: BPEL: 17 cm / EG: 13 cm // Soon ;)

Originally Posted by Sernind
Venous leak would cause an amazing, very noticeable, bruise on your penis. Believe me, if this every happens to you, you won’t be posting it here. You’ll be in a doctor’s waiting room.

Venous leak will likely be caused by thrombotic veins (coagulation problems) and serious, serious trauma to your penis. Hammer your dick’s shaft and you’ll know for sure what it feels like.

NO. Not at all correct Mr. Medical Student.

Venous leakage refers to the incomplete compression of the emissary veins which pass through the tunica albugina and drain the corpora cavernosa. In a normal situation as the corpora fill, the tunica compresses the emissary veins which prevents the escape of blood thus maintaining the erection. Venous leakage occurs when there is incomplete compression. This can be due to autonomic nerve deterioration, such as in diabetics, or for other less obvious reasons.

There would be no bruising and no trauma to the penis would be necessary for it to occur.

See: goodxsect.jpg

I like you.

You’re informed, no nonsense, and you get to the point.

Well said.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:


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