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“Dribbling” Ejaculations As of recently

“Dribbling” Ejaculations As of recently

Hey so I’ve been doing PE for a couple years now. I have always had a strong ejaculation that I suppose would be described as a “shooter”. The only times in the past it was momentarily weak is seemingly when I overworked my kegels. I would rest it and I would go back to normal within a few days.

As of the last few months I would describe the process as “dribbling” instead of shooting. I have the same amount come out, but it just dribbles out. My erection quality is not impacted at all as it was when I felt like I had previously overworked my PC muscles. I’m wondering if this could be slightly overworked and fatigued/tense PC muscles? And what can I do to resolve this if so?

My routine (dry jelq, manual clamp, 30min pump) has remained relatively constant over the last 8 months… my diet and lifestyle have been constant as well. During my routine I hardly kegel. only a handful of times when I need to be slightly more engorged…

I hope this has painted a good picture for somebody to point me in the right direction or give me an idea what it may be. I think in the past I’ve been sensitive to overdoing kegels for whatever reason, but I’m really not goin hard on them. Thank you in advance.

If you think your muscles are over worked take a few days off. Has the consistency of your cum changed? Sometimes dehydration can effect it.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Everything is the same except for how it comes out. I recently took a weeks rest from all PE, as i do every 6 weeks, and that didn’t help. Maybe I need more time or possibly look into a reverse kegel routine…? Thank you for your response, 32quarters.

I had a similar problem last year; it turned out to be strictures inside the urethra. Stretching them out took care of it.

From the statistics, something like 40% of men will get one or more urethral strictures during their lifetime, and it’s more likely if you’re circumcised. Strictures are fixable, but if you get them once, you’re more likely to get them again.

Strictures can cause urine or semen retention, weak urine stream or ejaculation, post-urination or ejaculation drip, and urine shooting off at odd angles or split streams.

A urologist will use stepped “sounds” to determine if there are tight spots in your urethra. They’ll use the same sounds to stretch or break through the strictures; usually, they do this with anesthetic. Or you can DIY it for less than twenty bucks with only mild discomfort, spreading the work out over several days.

Wow thanks AndyJ.

"Relationships aren’t all about penetration." Mrs NicholasVan

Originally Posted by AndyJ
I had a similar problem last year; it turned out to be strictures inside the urethra. Stretching them out took care of it.

From the statistics, something like 40% of men will get one or more urethral strictures during their lifetime, and it’s more likely if you’re circumcised. Strictures are fixable, but if you get them once, you’re more likely to get them again.

Strictures can cause urine or semen retention, weak urine stream or ejaculation, post-urination or ejaculation drip, and urine shooting off at odd angles or split streams.

A urologist will use stepped “sounds” to determine if there are tight spots in your urethra. They’ll use the same sounds to stretch or break through the strictures; usually, they do this with anesthetic. Or you can DIY it for less than twenty bucks with only mild discomfort, spreading the work out over several days.

I knew there was a benefit to my occasional sounding! This reminds me to sound my urethra once a week again, I sometimes have weak ejaculations and urine stream and sometimes its strong and normal. Time to sound I guess!

I will definitely get that checked out, but I’m almost certain it’s not my issue. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

I’m still having the issue and I believe it’s something wrong with my PC muscles. I just get extremely weak constructions out of them which results in this. For example if I’m just at resting state and I do a full kegel, my dick doesn’t even really move at all vs used to be able to make it kind of jump up (lol). I think I’m going to make another post about it this. But I’m lost on how to fix it. I’ve tried both kegels, reverse kegels, and rest… nothing has helped so far.

How many kegels & rks do you do and at what frequency?

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Very Weak PC muscle Contractions

So I’m making This post as an add on to a previous post. For the last 6 months or so my ejaculations have all of the sudden stopped “shooting” and just kind of barely dribble out now. There’s no force whatsoever behind it. Something must have happened with my PC muscles, because this came about pretty abruptly. I’m assuming just over work or injury or something…(no pain at all). I’ve had this happen in the past but only persisted for a day at most and was likely from just overtraining. It’s like my muscle has just completely shut of now though…

For example: just at resting state if I do a full on kegel while flaccid, my dick doesn’t even really move at all. I used to be able to do that and make it kind of jump/bounce up very noticeably. I have attempted to do kegels to strengthen, reverse kegels to relax, and just plain resting and nothing has seemed to help at all. Like I said it’s been 6+ months now. I figured it would have sort itself out by now.
If anyone has any insight or tips to help my recover/restrengthen, that would be amazing. Thanks!

Ok another update for anyone who may stumble across this. It seems more than likely it is an issue with my pudendal nerve. Finally found other guys who’ve had the same symptoms as me and they said they had pudendal nerve compression. I’m gonna consult a pelvic floor physio and go from there If anyone has any advice on ways to alleviate this, that would be awesome

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