Weak erections at 31
For some reason I have never had very strong erections. Quite honestly, as far back as puberty my erections have never been “rock hard”, as they say. I seem to have no problems getting an erection, and masturbating, but holding an erection during sex or fellatio has always been an issue. I am relatively very healthy, not really overweight, and somewhat athletic. I don’t know if I would even classify my problem as ED, but I would be really like to have much firmer, longer lasting erections.
I have been doing kegels on and off over the last few years, and seen very little results. Now granted I may not have been doing them enough or aggressively as I need to. The only noticeable change I have seen have been in my ejaculations. But still, nothing “hard” enough to write home about.
Can anyone offer some insight or advice for me? A solid, proven routine to suggest would be great!