Originally Posted by Chaval34
Are these people playing with neurotransmitters without having a way to verify what is actually happening with them?
Unfortunately, that’s kind of how it works. There’s really no way for anyone to know if you have a particular imbalance other than for a doctor to make the most likely diagnosis based on your complaint, prescribe the drug that has been shown to be most effective for that diagnosis, and wait to see if there’s any improvement in your condition.
I think it’s important to bear in mind, however, that you're the one who is supposing that you have a problem with your brain chemistry. You really can’t just walk into a doctor’s office, tell him, “There’s something wrong with my neurotransmitters,” and expect him just say, “Okay, let me fix that for you.” Rather than making the diagnosis yourself and being critical of whether the medical community is lining up behind you, I think you should go to that psychiatrist/sexologist, be totally honest and forthcoming about your problem, and let that doctor do his best to help you.