Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

We're making our kids into little fuckers

We're making our kids into little fuckers

Plastic Ingredient May Cause Smaller Penises

A common chemical ingredient in plastics has been linked to smaller penises and incomplete descent of testicles in baby boys. Phthalates, which are added to plastics to keep them soft and pliable, are linked to a feminizing effect on boy fetuses whose moms had above-average levels of the chemical in their urine while pregnant. Moms who had the highest amounts gave birth to boys with more feminine characteristics.

Scientists have been concerned about the effects of the phthalates, known as DEHP, because rodent studies showed it had a negative effect on the masculinity of young rats.

Current research conducted in three different areas of the United States, showed their concerns were well-founded. Scientists found a definite correlation between levels of the chemical in pregnant moms and a feminizing effect on their sons. They theorize that phthalates may reduce testosterone synthesis.

Phthalates are added to many personal care products including perfume, nail polish and hair spray. They are also included in many cosmetics, but the consumer is unaware because they are not specifically listed on the label, hiding under other items such as fragrances.

Been said for some time that reactive plastics, when they get into the body, have estrogenic actions. Seems to be one more piece of that puzzle.

You got a link to a source for this info, DK?

Oh dude this sucks. I hate thinking that it could be the actions of others that give guys smaller dicks. Shame shame. Thank goodness for PE

I saw this on the discovery Chanel few years back. This is very disturbing.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

So chicks hurt us emotionally with the “My ex had a bigger penis speech” and they’re targeted our young’uns.

Originally Posted by Adolfoutor
So chicks hurt us emotionally with the “My ex had a bigger penis speech” and they’re targeted our young’uns.

Perhaps young ones should not be so quick to sew their wild oats. Women know they can get your goat with “My Ex was bigger” so then why didn’t she marry the bloke?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

CNN reported on the whole pthalates in plastics issue about a year ago. I remember the story was about the pthalates found on your ipod’s headphones (the flexible rubbery tubing that covers the wires). They didn’t say that it feminizes baby boys, but it did mention bad effects from it. Another topic worth looking into would be about VOCs (volatile organic compounds) found in those plug in air fresheners (probably the sprays too), paints, and scented candles.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003


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