What is an open wound?
Can someone please explain this to me? The other night I had a hookup, there was only oral sex. I ate dinner a few hours before and met up with him later that night. I woke up the next morning to find out I had lightly burned my taste buds. I have looked all over the internet searching for examples on what open wounds are. Google pulls up the same exact stuff and I have gone through 30 pages! None of them explain if a light burn from food is an open wound. They all say this; “It is a wound that is bleeding” basically. My light burn was not bleeding the night of oral sex. If can, please give me a site so I can do research on STDs for future reference. I am not the kind of guy to just have a hookup everyday, but I do have one on occasion.
On the site please make sure it is detailed info. Not just something like; “Oh this this and this isn’t spread by this. But of if you have a cut your more at risk.” Etc, I’d like to know what the risks are. I have little to know knowledge when it comes to STDs. But I always make sure to have an HIV test once every 4 months.
5.3" NBPEL.
BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!
Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)