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What is this rash on my penis - pics

What is this rash on my penis - pics -PLEASE MOVE TO SEXUAL HEALTH FORUM

I originally thought this was a result of PE. Now I am not so sure since I have stopped for a month and it has gotten worse if anything. Now I am wondering if it is something like eczema. Little bumps that appear darkish pink and sometimes crack and peel - this is visible. They are on the shaft (foreskin area) and also on the glans. On the glans I have not had peeling. See attached hi res pics and let me know if you have ever experience or heard of this. I appreciate it because it is hard for me to get to a doctor to check it out if it is serious and I KNOW that’s what I should do haha.

Oh and rash might not be the right word. It does not itch or hurt, and I can’t aggravate it or make it spread by touch. It seems to be getting gradually worse on it’s own over weeks though.

Here is a link to the pics: Rash on penis - pics


[Please move to sexual health forum]

Start Dec 07: 6.25" NBPEL; ? EG

March 08: 6.75" NBPEL; 5.0 EG

Last edited by Mike1 : 11-17-2008 at .

Check out psoriasis. It’s not dangerous and often goes away with topical creams (or just by itself). It could be eczema.

Mike1, you need to go to the Doctor bro.

You’ll be able to rule things out and probably get a better nights sleep too.

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten


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