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What makes you last longer

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What makes you last longer?

I last long Fortuneately


Male Desensitizer cream




Cialis; ed drugs




SSRI; meds






Breathing techniques

Total Votes: 104. You may not vote on this poll

What makes you last longer

What’s the best way to last longer for sex. I tend to cum quick; I’ve read anxiety makes you come quick. Cialis makes me last 135% longer but I’m 21 and don’t really need a boner boost. Paxil @10mg(SSRI) made me last loner, but decreased my erection strength. Some say kegeling and jelqing makes them last longer; breathing combined with kegeling works somewhat for me. When we pe are units to desirable sizes what good is it if we can ram that vagina thoroughly/hard for a long time. Rate what has helped you the most/best to last longer.

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5

Oddly enough I’ve been seeing good results by thinking about tetris during haha. I play a game in my head and I end up really focused on what my next move will be and I wont be anywhere near coming ;) .

Old age! :)

old naked janet reno!!!!

Originally Posted by spanky123
old naked janet reno!!!!

Damn Spanky the title said, “What makes you last longer”, not shrivel your unit! ;)

Alcohol Ftw!

Hey, I am a natural long laster.

I added “Breathing techniques” to the poll.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

It looks like alcohol is taking the lead; beer or liquor?

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5

I have tried pulling out just as the sensation to blow is near, combining that with a really hard kegel seems to work. For me once I can do that for 2-3 times by the 4th time I should be able to go for awhile without worrying about blowing my rocks. What also works for me is whiskey dick, try 3-4 onzes of whiskey taken in about 2 hours before the deed, seems to numb it up for me nicely.

Oh I forgot to vote for “breathing techniques”, definitely helps me.

I can last a long time anyway…

Actually, my first time was without a condom and I lasted for about an hour; I could have gone longer but she wanted me to cum on her, lol. We didn’t go that hard though, but it wasn’t really easy, kinda between. As weird as it may sound, I felt like I couldn’t last as long a couple of times while wearing a condom (we have used one every other time). Anyway, I think my shortest time was like 10 - 15 minutes and it was kind of a fluke, lol.

Our average is probably about 25 - 40 minutes, but I can “control” pretty well. I just change the pace accordingly and I breathe instead of holding my breath like a lot of people tend to do… Also, one thing that REALLY helps is to relax, the more tense you are the faster you will blow your load. Just try to relax your entire body, even though you’re using muscles to thrust, try to relax. When she’s on top, I feel like I could go forever, since I am so much more relaxed, haha. :P

Last edited by stickit : 02-13-2008 at .

Pull out every so often, change up the speed (extra slow when you need to turn down your heat), satisfying her orally amid periods of ramming, labia and crack play if you need to keep your cock in play, letting your cock get soft while you’re working her elsewhere so you can work it back up again..

Gets me up to 2-3 hours worth if we have the time and she always pops 4-15 times. I’m a pleaser; I cum only once at the end but the extra stimulation time always makes it a massive load that gets sprayed on her front, back, down her throat or all three. She loves it. All while sober; only way to do it. Chems can make it seem hotter and wilder, but the *ladies* can’t last more than 15 minutes when they’re messed up. I hate when they get all tired on your ass after acting all crazy.having to do all the work as they slumpadump all sweaty on your lap is crap. Word to the wise, girls that only fuck when they’re under the influence of something have issues. Preacher man out.

Alcohol is still in the lead, if I drink too much I’ll get whiskey dick. Cialis makes me last longer and improves refractory time. As odd as it may sound, it doesn’t keep my unit fully engorged as regular. I never really kegeled religiously for a good peroid of time.

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5

I really fail to see how kegels can make you last longer.

Originally Posted by big Bori333
What’s the best way to last longer for sex. I tend to cum quick; I’ve read anxiety makes you come quick. Cialis makes me last 135% longer but I’m 21 and don’t really need a boner boost. Paxil @10mg(SSRI) made me last loner, but decreased my erection strength. Some say kegeling and jelqing makes them last longer; breathing combined with kegeling works somewhat for me. When we pe are units to desirable sizes what good is it if we can ram that vagina thoroughly/hard for a long time. Rate what has helped you the most/best to last longer.

Are you kidding me? Just masterbate a few times about 2 hours before sex. That is the oldest trick in the book!!

Note that the amount of cum will be reduced, but women do not care, in fact the less the better usually as there is less ‘mess’!

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