What on earth is this?
I don’t even know how to explain it, ive been jelqing regurly since 2 months ago and stretching and doing kegels now and there and haven’t encountered this since last week. A typical jelq a day would be 300 wet jelqs normally quite lengthy and stretching of 10 minutes. As of late I have been lazy with kegels (boo) doing maybe half the recommended I should do. I don’t think Kegelling is too much of a problem for me as my erections are quite hard anyway.
However, ive noticed some vibrating sensation somewhere around the area of my scrotum and near my PC muscle. It’s very mild and brief and happens spontanously, it hasn’t affected anything sexually and i doubt it isn’t overworking. The sensation if a much milder form if I described to you is like reaching your arm out more then usual and feeling painless tingle or tilting your feet forward more then usual and feeling light spasms/tingle. I wonder if this is just better circulation generally or something I should consider researching. It could be a number of reasons, like ginseng or caffeine but I don’t take alot of those. Anyone else experiece this mild tremor? What is it? I haven’t noticed any side effects.