Thunder's Place

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Whenever I drink, it seems impossible to get hard

Whenever I drink, it seems impossible to get hard

I know this is normal, but every time I am on a date or something and we’ve been drinking, I have found it is always a huge challenge for me to get it up. If I have had more than one or two drinks this is so the case. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting around this or helping to stop this from occurring ?

Patient: Doctor, it hurts when I do this.

Doctor: Then stop doing it.

Yeah I’ve got a great recommendation: use some herbs, amino acids, and/or antioxidants; or just buy yourself a penis pill from the sex shop and pop it before you go out.


Yeah if it’s strictly the booze doing it to you and not nerves or anxiety, viagra/cialis should do the trick. Careful though because mixing too much of these with too much booze can really mess you up.

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