Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Which size condom should I buy?

Which size condom should I buy?

What size condom do you guys recommend for 6-6/12" BEG and about 8" erect? I’ve bought Playboy XLs in the past and those seemed to fit me rather good but they are out of stock and I can’t buy them anymore. Trojan Magnum XLs if I remember correctly are too tight at the base and roll up. Thanks.

Try Titan 3XL. Sounds like it might fit you.

Always hated condoms. Too dang tight. Years ago ordered some ‘My One’ condoms. Wow, they are great (but now with having my gal Jackie here, no need. Probably have a gross of them stored somewhere in my basement.) Perhaps a bit pricey, but you get something close to custom fit for both length and girth..

Originally Posted by magicwand9
Always hated condoms. Too dang tight. Years ago ordered some ‘My One’ condoms. Wow, they are great (but now with having my gal Jackie here, no need. Probably have a gross of them stored somewhere in my basement.) Perhaps a bit pricey, but you get something close to custom fit for both length and girth..

I know, I hate them too. But I thought that I should just try some out in case I ever need them so I know which ones I need. Playboy XLs fit me pretty good. Trojan Magnum XLs are good for length but they taper towards the base and I have about a 6-6.5" base and maybe a 5.5" or so MSEG so they roll up from the base which is annoying. Good thing about them though is they’re not too expensive. My One seems expensive.

Originally Posted by magicwand9
Always hated condoms. Too dang tight. Years ago ordered some ‘My One’ condoms. Wow, they are great (but now with having my gal Jackie here, no need. Probably have a gross of them stored somewhere in my basement.) Perhaps a bit pricey, but you get something close to custom fit for both length and girth..

Thanks for the advice about MyOne. I ordered the sampler pack of what they recommended for my measurements - Size K (8”) 57+60mm (one of each.)

I also ordered the Glyde SuperMax 60mm XL Condoms on eBay that are about 8" long. These are PERFECT and are cheaper than MyOne and are very reasonably priced. They are from Australia. I highly recommend these if anyone is of similar dimensions to me.


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