Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1 Inch in 1 month, possible how long did it take you

1 Inch in 1 month, possible how long did it take you

I measured my dick today to start gaining, it’s 5.5” BPEL. In a month I would like it to be 6.5”.

I understand that it’s wanting too much in too little time but nothing wrong with having that goal, right?

If anyone here believes that it’s possible and has done it, can you please share techniques and such.

The thing is I haven’t been a relationship with someone for about a year mostly bc I think my dick is too small.
I got asked out yesterday, I took up the offer.

Back ground info:

I was PE’ing back in september and november(06), I THINK I gained .25 inch it looks a little bigger but not much so I have done this before. I just started back up last month with stretches. I’m planning on taking it to the next step as in jelqing for longer and without two day breaks (one this time) forabout 30 mins every other day.

Is there any routines that really worked for you guys that helped you gain good sturdy results(no pun intented)?

If so what were they, you guys have no idea how much comments and suggestions would be appreciated on my behalf

P.S my LOT would be about 6-7 ish meaning it tugs when it’s facing the floor (very little, thas why I said 6-7ish)
What does that tell us?

1 Inch in 1 month, possible how long did it take you


There’s more to relationships than a big dick. Enjoy yourself: if you are getting asked out you must be doing something right.


Originally Posted by wannabe7x6
The thing is I haven’t been a relationship with someone for about a year mostly bc I think my dick is too small.
I got asked out yesterday, I took up the offer.

What the F? Are the boys turning into girls???

My ass is too big, my tights are too fat ,my cock is too small…

Get a grip on yourself. Dick size doesn’t matter all that much alright. You can make your woman orgasm no matter what size you are. Be confident.

There’s something very wrong with the message society is sending. I’m sick of reading stuff like this.

As for the tips part:

As a newbie, I gained 3 cm EL in about 5 weeks. Here’s how:

-150 long kegels in the morning
-75 stretch-kegels: stretch my dick slightly above perpendicular to my body and perform 75 kegels (like you’d do to test you LOT). I did these very slowly, depending on the effort I put in, it took me between 10-15 min.
-3x5 min stretch:1 slightly below perpendicular to my body, 1- straight out, 1-slightly above perpendicular to my body. I pulled like a mad man. When my grip slipped, I just gripped again.

What difference did this extra inch make? For my girl none. She had orgasms before, she still did after. For me, I felt like the king of the hill for a while.

Do a search for jelqing technique. Than do a search for the PI’s(physiological indicators) thread. Study them very closely and start slowly.
I personally feel that besides good genetics, a lot of good gainers discovered the learning curve of jelqing and other manual exercises early on in their PE careers.

Although it’s good to have a set routine, always pay utmost attention to how the exercises feel to you and how your penis is responding to them during and after the exercises. If your penis just isn’t feeling up to snuff with the routine you have set for the day, take it off and start again the next day.

Also, besides the search ideas I already gave you, go through a lot of the threads on here, there is a TON of good information to get you on the right track.


Most important with chicks in confidence. Don’t let your cock in the way man, unless she’s got her pants off - then just stuff it in.

Dude, 1 inch in a month is a long shot, try maybe 2-3months for the least. Different routines work for different people. The number, frequency, intensity etc is dependent solely on the individual. But the things which I noticed giving me the most gains would be jelqing and stretching.

Hey seems like a lot of guys here gain 1/2” or 1” or even more with the ease of say farting so I would not be surprised. I have been doing this with a great deal of effort for a very, very long time and I have yet to see an inch in length.

Originally Posted by powpow
What the F? Are the boys turning into girls??

My ass is too big, my tights are too fat ,my cock is too small..

Get a grip on yourself. Dick size doesn’t matter all that much alright. You can make your woman orgasm no matter what size you are. Be confident.

There’s something very wrong with the message society is sending. I’m sick of reading stuff like this.

As for the tips part:

As a newbie, I gained 3 cm EL in about 5 weeks. Here’s how:

-150 long kegels in the morning
-75 stretch-kegels: stretch my dick slightly above perpendicular to my body and perform 75 kegels (like you’d do to test you LOT). I did these very slowly, depending on the effort I put in, it took me between 10-15 min.
-3x5 min stretch:1 slightly below perpendicular to my body, 1- straight out, 1-slightly above perpendicular to my body. I pulled like a mad man. When my grip slipped, I just gripped again.

What difference did this extra inch make? For my girl none. She had orgasms before, she still did after. For me, I felt like the king of the hill for a while.

Yeah it is a sick and twisted message.
But the above recommendation should help you gain anyhow.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Never let cock size get in the way of sex and relationships!

A big unit is great but its not the means of a relationship. Never ever let your insecurity about your cock or even PE take one of life’s beautiful experiences away from you.

I don’t know if you can get an inch in a month, thats miraculous if you can pull it off.

I have been where you are with the insecurity, and I tell you, its NOT worth it.

As regards PE, keep up the stretching and jelqing. Vary your routine and technique every so often as well. In another month or two you might be strong enough to handle more advanced exercises like clamping. There is no miracle cure to PE, just hard work and a bit of luck.

Do lots of kegels though, that helps in keeping your erection strength, which is perhaps as important as length or girth. You can have a huge unit but if it is as hard as a wet noodle, then its not useful.

Good luck dude and get those girls! :-)

Cum vinum intrat, exit sapientia

Originally Posted by wannabe7x6
The thing is I haven’t been a relationship with someone for about a year mostly bc I think my dick is too small.
I got asked out yesterday, I took up the offer.

Don’t put your life on hold because of your dick. Work on PE, but be sure to take all the opportunities that come your way. You don’t want to end up like this guy: Invisible - Invisible’s Progress Thread.

Originally Posted by wannabe7x6
P.S my LOT would be about 6-7 ish meaning it tugs when it’s facing the floor (very little, thas why I said 6-7ish)
What does that tell us?

This is a theory that applies to hangers and it seems to have been discredited.

Originally Posted by baywatch
Hey seems like a lot of guys here gain 1/2” or 1” or even more with the ease of say farting so I would not be surprised. I have been doing this with a great deal of effort for a very, very long time and I have yet to see an inch in length.


So if you didn’t gain an inch, how much have you gained in length and girth?

Go Celtics!

Trying to push for large gains real fast, will give you a higher chance of getting injured, and will probably produce less gains as well.

A steady and permanent gain is what you want. Be in it for the long haul. Educate yourself by reading the boards and just do the newbie routine. Make sure to do the warm up and kegels afterward to get the full effect.

I gained an inch in just under three months and I think I am damn lucky. If it took me a year, or longer, I would still be completely happy. Who cares how long it takes, just do it, and do it safe!

Mar 2008 BPEL: 6" Base EG: 5" Mid EG: 4.75"

July 2008 BPEL: 7" Base EG: 5.75" Mid EG: 5.125"

Jelqing, stretching and orange bends I suggest!

Started: NBPEL 5.5 == EG: 5

Current: NBPEL 7.5 == EG: 6

Goal: NBPEL 8 == EG: 6

Originally Posted by PolePosition

Trying to push for large gains real fast, will give you a higher chance of getting injured, and will probably produce less gains as well.

A steady and permanent gain is what you want. Be in it for the long haul. Educate yourself by reading the boards and just do the newbie routine. Make sure to do the warm up and kegels afterward to get the full effect.

I gained an inch in just under three months and I think I am damn lucky. If it took me a year, or longer, I would still be completely happy. Who cares how long it takes, just do it, and do it safe!


Hmmm.. Has anyone ever told you about the sledge hammer technique? I hear it’s uber gains super fast.

Hey hey hey I just started, too. I also just came from my girlfriend’s. She’s been with a guy with a huge one and says he couldn’t make her cum at all (I’m not going to say that I wasn’t totally intimidated when she told me that though). If I don’t make her cum at least twice in a session, I feel like I’m under performing ;) . Seriously, just be a man about it and fuck the hell out of whoever you have.

In it for the long run (and the long one!).

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