Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

1 Year Goal and Progress report

1 Year Goal and Progress report

(Feel free to move if needed)
The pictures are really poor quality but I might post them later or take new ones soon. No matter what after a year I will post both to make a comparison of a year.

I am posting this to give myself another reason to be motivated to work on PE and self improvement. For the most part I plan on not even looking at this until after 365 days at which point I plan on posting ‘after’ photos and briefly recapping my year then reassessing where I am and making future goals based on that.

Goals for one year (I’ll start with PE related ones because this is a PE forum, other than that no particular order):

1. Gain .5 inches erect girth and length.

Currently I measure at 6 inches EL and 5 inches EG. I am not new to PE but I have been very inconsistent and suspect that over the many years I have been PEing that I suspect that I have gained a few fractions of an inch in both ways.

My plan is to stay consistent and do my exercises at least 2 times a week; which would at first include stretching and jelqing.

2. Manually grow back my foreskin. I don’t expect to completely cover my glands but I would like to see some improvement.

I have about an hour commute to and from school and I suspect that most of my foreskin regrowth will come from stretches during this time.

3. Work on my Polish Language Skills.

My family is very Polish and I may even be going to visit some family members in Poland this upcoming summer and would like to impress them as well as be able to enjoy myself as much as possible while there. Hopefully I could use it to pick up chicks too!

My plans to learn as much as possible include following the Rosetta stone software that I received recently for at least 30 minutes a day while also using polish language CDs in the car during my commute and lastly to incorporate as much Polish into my daily living as possible by labeling items around the house and restricting my use of English in the home to a minimum.

4. Achieve a 4.0 GPA during my semesters.

I am used to doing mediocre in school, however, this past semester I worked really hard and was able to earn grades I never thought I could (15 credits with 4 A’s and one B) but I know that I could have done better and the enjoyment of getting those grades was beyond my imagination and so worth the work put in.

5. Improve my body.

I am not real buff nor do I want to be, though I realize I could be stronger and more fit and my schedule permits me about 2 hours twice a week to improve my health through exercise so I would like to take advantage of my opportunities to the best of my capability.

Also, I chose to eat healthier and introduce a small regimen of vitamins (only super-B complex for now). I don’t know that I need vitamins but I would be happy to see any improvement they might bestow me.

Insignificant, but not enough to pass over, is my toe-nail. I picked up some kind of fungus on my right large toenail and it has become rather gross. I have purchased some natural ointment to cure the problem, however, I have been fairly inconsistent to give the product a fair chance to work so that is what I would like to change.

Another thing I would like to do is do some 5k runs for the fun of it and get some cool T-Shirts, eh?

6. Develop more relationships.

I am somewhat of an introvert and would like to improve my social life and I plan on starting by pursing one particular and foxy babe.

7. I had something else but I forgot so I’ll just put it in a post later.

If you took the time to read this.. You must be bored but I do appreciate it and feel free to leave comments of encouragement or otherwise haha, I have tough skin and can handle it. Thanks again.

Nice, I am going to do something similar with my life. The path of self improvement is hard, but it is worthy.



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