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10 hours daily of home-office - Hanging, extender, all-day stretch?


I`ve been thinking and I have decided to order a hanger.

As for which to choose, I`m heavily leaning towards ordering the Bib Starter.

The alternative is the vac hanger from Monty, but I just don`t know. I fear fluid buildup and there is also the issue of limited weight.

Any opinion to help me make a choice would be greatly appreciated.

Okay well hopefully this will help.

I had a friend loan me the bib starter. I HATE the thing. I have tried so many different types of wrapping and all that, different weights, all that happens is way too much blood goes into my head and it turns dark blue. It is impossible for it to not take some skin with it as well. But guess what? Almost everyone who uses it gets very good gains, that cannot be denied.

I use the vac hanger by monkeybar, not monte. Monte makes PE weights, which are good for some cases, but I wouldn’t recommend them unless your standing all day, then they’re money.

Monkeybar is issuing a new hanger this week. It should rock. He also has stronger sleeves now. I have used the weaker blue sleeves for 18 lb sets and it worked well. I cannot wait to use his new red sleeves that will probably allow me to get to 25 lbs. I had no idea I was gaining at all, but in the 6 months using it I have gained about .5”

It is nice because it is comfortable as hell. Fluid buildup? Ever heard of medical tape? Put that over your entire head. Problem solved. The learning curve is slight compared to the bib. I can also use it for every single type of angle. V stretches with a PVC pipe as a fulcrum, A stretched over the pipe, bundled stretching, and any of the regular straight angles.

My personal opinion is that do as many sets as you can, but I usually do 3.

So I’ll do 1 set early, and wear my stretcher after that until my next set. Repeat all day. Why not have it extended at all times?

Thanks for chiming in ironaddict! You have provided valuable information!:)

I meant monkeybar when I wrote Monty. I must have confused them for the same person. Sorry for that.

The thing is that I used the Bib in the past and as I remember I did manage to use it properly and somewhat comfortable, even though I had to mess around with the settings. Sometimes I had to take it off immediately and put it back on, because I did not get it right on the first try.

Maybe I will have to wait for the release of monkey`s new vac-hanger and seriously consider it.

If there is no fluid-buildup and it is a breeze to use, I could probably get in a lot more hang time daily even though I may have to use lower weights.

Lower weights are better. One thing about the bib is that it attacks the ligs and inner structure better than the vac hanger because the vac pulls a lot on the head, it’s hard to describe till you use it, but if you tape your head it won’t be as bad.

The thing is, I’m not under the impression you can use the bib for fulcrum hanging.I could be wrong. This is why I prefer the vac. Anything bundles or fulcrum, and the weight will NEED to be less. It goes up to 15, but I have done 18 lbs.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Lower weights are better. One thing about the bib is that it attacks the ligs and inner structure better than the vac hanger because the vac pulls a lot on the head, it’s hard to describe till you use it, but if you tape your head it won’t be as bad.

The thing is, I’m not under the impression you can use the bib for fulcrum hanging.I could be wrong. This is why I prefer the vac. Anything bundles or fulcrum, and the weight will NEED to be less. It goes up to 15, but I have done 18 lbs.

But if the Bib attacks the ligs and inner structure better, won`t that make it superior?

The fact that the vac-hanger pulls mostly on the head is actually something that worries me:) I`m uncut so it might make things worse.

Vac hangers are the most trouble-free. I’ve done many 2 and 3 hour uninterrupted sets. The issue with vac hangers is that there’s really a 10# limit, unless you wrap. I’ve done 18# successfully with a wrap, but it’s a bit of a pain and requires occasional breaks.

Understand that hanging doesn’t work for everybody. Many guys will tell you there’s a simple formula, weight times time equals gains. Don’t believe it. Gaining is a physiological process, not a physical one, and it really works differently for different guys.

I would suggest that you maintain some level of manual work even after you start hanging. Jelqing is a great exercise, and I’ve always found it indispensible for achieving gains.

Also, monitor your progress carefully. Adopt a uniform techique for measuring and measure often. If you don’t see any progress after 2 or 3 months, change something. Remember that gains are not inevitable. If they’re not coming, it’s because something isn’t working.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Best advice so far thank you Modesto.

I shouldn’t have said that the bib grabs the internals more, because guess what? For me it definitely didn’t. My limiting factor is my septum and suspensory ligament, so I feel the best hang when I hang SD standing up and when I bend over a tad as well, trust me, It’s strong, and definitely not pulling on just my head. A great thing about the vac hanger is your head size should increase as well, and that is damn hard to do.

P.S. Modesto, you’ve really done 2 hour sets!? Wow! What wrap did you use and where, what material? Could you please elaborate?

I didn’t quite understand how you dodge the fluid build-up ironaddict, could you please explain in more detail?

I also use Autoextender’s vac-hanger and I’m pretty satisfied. I’ve never gone over 8lbs, but I’ve made some decent gains. However I tend to get fluid build-up easily in my foreskin after a few sets longer than 20 minutes.

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Oh I get a tad, but it goes away so what’s the big deal you know? I put scotch tape over my head, I make a plus sign with it, so that avoids the blisters when I do my multiple sets with 15.5 lbs.

How much have you gained?

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Oh I get a tad, but it goes away so what’s the big deal you know? I put scotch tape over my head, I make a plus sign with it, so that avoids the blisters when I do my multiple sets with 15.5 lbs.

How much have you gained?

You’re cut aren’t you?

I’ve gained about .75” with hanging.

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Yeah I am cut. That’s a pretty good gain. Do you wrap?

Originally Posted by TenInchGoal
You’re cut aren’t you?

I’ve gained about .75” with hanging.

Not bad.

Are those gains after the initial newbie gains?

What was your routine? How many hours daily and how many days a week?


I’ve gained about .5 just from hanging and I do about 7 hours a week. This was after initial gains.

Just to throw out one more idea/adjunct to the list. How about an extender.

I’ve gained 3/4 inch in less than 6 months using primarily the x4 extender. Although I have also recently gotten into hanging and have both a vac-hanger and a BIB starter, my primary method is still wearing the extender 3 or 4 hours a day.

I do a lot of stuff on the computer at home and the advantage is that it is concealable. You can wear loose fitting shorts or pants over it, so that if you’re roommates/ friends accidentally burst in; they won’t catch you with your dick out and your hanger on. If you need to walk around the house, go outside, you can do that too.

Not saying that the extender is better than the hanger, just saying that it is certainly more stealthy.

Ugh I hate my x4! How do you get the strap to not slip, and what do you wrap with!? I screamed at mine today.


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