Thunder's Place

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18yr old desperately seeking to improve erections before too late


18yr old desperately seeking to improve erections before too late

I’ve always had very poor erections, I don’t know why. I never get erections throughout the day, at best a semi and I never wake up with morning wood - usually just a big flaccid or semi. It takes me a while to get erect, usually over 2 minutes. Also, the head of my penis is terrible at retaining blood. If I hold the base of the shaft it stays full and hard, but when I release it becomes tiny and soft - the girth goes from like 5.5 to under 4, it is quite dramatic.

I really want to fix this,it’s so depressing, I want to go out and have fun with a fully functioning penis while I am still young.

A while ago I discovered cock rings, and the difference has been amazing. If I wear it throughout the day I get random 3/4 to nearly full erections if I see something I like, and when wearing it I can get hard within seconds instead of minutes. Furthermore my head stays full, retaining it’s girth and firm shiny look.

BUT. I want to fix my penis without the ring. This is why I’m here. Size is irrelevant, I don’t care about it, I just want better erections. This is what I am going to do.

Warm up with hot wrap
Jelq for 10 mins
Warm Down

Then at some other stage, I wear my cock ring and get a semi erection. I ‘kegel’, making my penis bounce up nicely and hold it for 5 seconds, then rest for a few seconds and repeat. I do this for 10 mins. Then, for another 10 I get a semi erection again with the ring and hold a kegel for as long as possible, then stop. I have also read squats improves erections so I am going to do these. Also, I am extremely fit, and eat very healthy. So I don’t need to do anything in that regard.

Is there any additional advice? Keep in mind I really don’t want to stretch any ligaments or anything ‘drastic’ like that, I just want better erections. Desperately. Thank you so much.

Search this forum. There’s lots of info to read, especially on the problem you want to solve.

My suggestion is to start with the Newbie Routine.

After 3 months, you should notice a tremendous difference in your erection quality (and hopefully some growth as well). Health and exercise are also key factors, so don’t neglect them.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Your problem can be either psychological or physical. To determine if it is physical, doctors used to suggest putting a ring of stamps around your penis at night before you sleep. If the perforation is ripped in the morning then you did indeed have wood, and the patient’s problem was more psychological. There are also the Viagra type pills.

Personally PE gives me more erections and makes me more aroused. So try doing some JELQs and see if that helps.

You may also want to see a urologist.

Good luck.

Thanks. I have seen a urologist. Fucking useless. He said ‘obviously everything isn’t perfect, but if it works for penetrations it’s good enough’. Whatever. I suggested a possible venous leak and he said possibly, but there’s nothing I can do. He wouldn’t even test me for it. I have searched and there is some good advice on the forums, but just if anything could be added to my specific situation or if anyone is in a similar boat id love to hear some more posts.

Originally Posted by Mega-Lo
Your problem can be either psychological or physical. To determine if it is physical, doctors used to suggest putting a ring of stamps around your penis at night before you sleep. If the perforation is ripped in the morning then you did indeed have wood, and the patient’s problem was more psychological. There are also the Viagra type pills.

Personally PE gives me more erections and makes me more aroused. So try doing some JELQs and see if that helps.

You may also want to see a urologist.

Good luck.

I support most of that, mega.

There is a condition called venous leakage which you might explore with a urologist. You get erections but your venous flow out is more than your arterial flow in so they are either weak or don’t last a long time. There is a pretty specific test for it, not painful or complicated, and better to get this checked out while you are young. Usually men with it get a good response with cockrings. And the erectile drugs will often check it, if the leakage is not severe.

Don’t hesitate to see a uro since this is not a new thing for you. It’s not embarrassing; you just think it will be. :)



Originally Posted by Yataghan50
Thanks. I have seen a urologist. Fucking useless. He said ‘obviously everything isn’t perfect, but if it works for penetrations it’s good enough’. Whatever. I suggested a possible venous leak and he said possibly, but there’s nothing I can do. He wouldn’t even test me for it. I have searched and there is some good advice on the forums, but just if anything could be added to my specific situation or if anyone is in a similar boat id love to hear some more posts.


go see another urologist.


Avocet -

What causes venous leakage?

Pretty long and complicated answers to the venous leakage problem. The best thing to do is Google: venous leakage cause.

There is lots of info.

What’s “Google”? (:

Thanks gprent.

Thanks. I have searched a lot on venous leakage. The prognosis is very bleak. Although a cock ring does seem to work very well, I don’t want to wear one forever. Which I probably will have to. The only solution appears to be surgery which has a very ineffective record. I only pray that in the next few years some great developments are made in the field.

A question though, if I have a venous leak are doing these exercises even going to be beneficial?

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Avocet -

What causes venous leakage?

Ask three uros and you get three different answers, Para.

My read? The veins are way more efficient than the arteries in this case. Blood drains out faster than arteries can push it in. Also, there is the issue of weak spots in the tunica - you probably wouldn’t notice them. Whereas the tunica should press the veins into more closed positions during an erection, they do not in some places and blood returns quicker from the penis to the heart and lungs. Arteries returning the blood can’t keep up with the flow out through the veins. That just for starters. It (explanation) goes on and on.

Cock rings usually help with venous leakage. The erectile drugs often overcome it.

There is a fairly cheap and simple test called a Doppler Color Sonogram which can pinpoint this pretty well. But, surgeons will often recommend surgery for venous leakage (better results now with that than a decade ago but) not a sure and permanent process always.

Any form of PE that tends to promote arterial growth/efficiency is probably a good start if one has it. Don’t assume you do. You need to be tested for inflow/outflow levels.



Would you be kind to tell me/link me to some exercises that promote arterial growth/efficiency?

I’ve had the Doppler and it’s not painful at all, well, unless you count the injection they stick in your dick which left me sore. Most men don’t have that reaction, however. This is the test you need to determine if there’s veinous leakage.

Short of surgery there is NO cure for this….. yet. What you will see happen in medicine in the next 5-10 years may be astonishing and a cure may be involved. Hell, by that time there will probably genetic therapy and we’ll all get injected with Long Dong Silver’s genes and walk around with stuffed pants. So don’t dispair just yet.

Out of all the erection-aiding drugs out there, the one most younger men favor is Cialis. I don’t know why, but my urologist told me that. These drugs can help with your condition and all without a cock ring!

Kegels can help you a great deal too. Every man who kegels on this forum has reported firmer and slightly bigger erections (likely because of increased blood retention in the penis). Kegels are very easy to do, you basically flex the sphincter muscle that also control urine flow. You can do them anywhere, anytime you’re sitting and no one will be the wiser. Look for posts on doing kegels. They could help you a great deal.

I HIGHLY recommend getting the Doppler. You need to know the root cause of the issue and psychology is (statistically) the greatest source of erectile problems however, this is very rare in men your age so it’s imperative you get tested. The same urologist could prescribe the erection-aiding drugs you need to function the way you need to.

By all means, find one who’s more sympathetic to your needs. Some are jaded because the anti-erection drugs are used recreationally by some men who don’t really need them. Make it clear to the urologist that this is not the case. It’s too easy to let doctors lead your treatment and you find yourself nodding and smiling at whatever the doctor says no matter what it was. You leave dissatisfied with your treatment but don’t say anything. Happens all the time. You’ve got to stand-up and say, “I need to be diagnosed with testing and I need a treatment plan for the issue. If you can’t or won’t do that then please recommend another urologist.” Doctors don’t like to be contradicted but they do like dealing in plain terms.

Keep in touch with us. I know that getting specialist care can be embarassing or difficult. Can you discuss this with your father or other older male who might help you get the treatment you need? Two years ago I had some issues with testosterone levels and spoke to my father about it. At first it was difficult but after the initial talk it’s been much easier.

Good luck mate!


At your age, you shouldn’t be having ongoing ED issues. Lack of nocturnal erections/morning wood may be a good indication that it’s not just psychological ED, even if that plays into it. So I agree with the others that you should get a second opinions from another urologist or two. Yes, it may seem embarrassing at first. It helps to write all your questions and concerns out ahead of time. Just remember that they’ve seen and heard it all before.

If you want a Doppler, then don’t let the doctor talk you into some lesser test. That’s what one urologist did with me: checked “blood flow” by attaching neoprene tubes around my flaccid cock, then wrote a Rx for Viagra and said, “Good luck.” It never did answer my question about venous leakage, etc. Then I found this site while googling to find some alternative to pills for dealing with ED. And thus far, the more I’ve been doing PE, the more my erections have improved. Increased size has just been a nice side benefit which is developing into some more serious goals.

Good luck and don’t give up…

Thanks. I am positive it is not psychological. It has always been like this.I am generally a very confident person, I don’t usually get nervous is the same if I am alone or with others.It is definitely physical. VERY depressing, especially at my age.

For now I am going to do the exercises, and just wear a cock ring. I have one that I wear all day, so whenever sex comes up I am there and ready. I guess I can’t really complain that much, the only problem I guess is the annoyance of wearing a cock ring.

One day I might consider surgery, maybe in around 5 years when more is known. The post which said 80% success rate is very encouraging, but sites I have read (I am not sure from what date) say the success is much lower. Oh well.

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