Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

2 inch gain in few months

Well I’m new here but I found much success doing 3 days on 1 off, and taking yohimbe everyday, 1 capsule. In six months I gained about an inch in length but I did 500 jelqs everyday and LOTS of stretching and 500 kegels everyday as well (including days off). But after years of not doing PE @ all, I have shrunk back down to what I was and am bothered with it as my partner is as well (although she don’t say nothing). Good luck to everyone here in their gains if any pro’s can help me out with a better direction than what I’m currently doing then please do drop a line by my way. Thx

A 2 inch gain in 4 months?

I got some ocean front property here in Nebraska to sell ya.


Hi, I heard someone say that you would be lucky to get 2 inches in 5 that true? I just started last month and I think I gained about a 3/8th and I am really encouraged..

I was hoping maybe 2” in two years.possible? Likely?


Originally Posted by wadboutme
Hi, I heard someone say that you would be lucky to get 2 inches in 5 that true? I just started last month and I think I gained about a 3/8th and I am really encouraged…

Search “newbie gains”…

Half an inch in the first month or two isn’t that rare, but 2” length lifetime gain is…

My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

Ya know, I should first say that a 2” gain in 4 months is very unlikely, I’ve certainly never heard of anyone pulling it off. Now just to piss some of the naysayers off, I am coming up on the three month mark this Thursday, and I’m packing in the extender hours in the hopes I can gain an inch in that three months. While I’m unsure if that will happen or not, I know from measuring two weeks ago that I have crossed the 3/4” mark. I guess the bottom line is everyone is different, but some of the gains I hear talked about on this thread, like 1/2” for three or six months or something, are in fact on the low side of things. That’s not to bum anyone out, like I said we are all different. I think it bares saying as well that anyone who wants big length gains will be best served by an extender. The exercises are important, but for the optimum results, you’ll have to break down and buy yourself an extender.


I found Thunder’s the same way that you did, and listen up. Never go to that site again, and relearn everything here. Don’t buy that extender, don’t buy the pills. Quit calling them long schlong exercises (I remember reading that and doing it what it said) but you just need to read over the forums and do good searching on here and you will have great gains. I doubt you could gain 2 inches in 4 months, but many people have gained over half an inch in that time. Good luck and stay away from that junk like I did.

Originally Posted by raybbaby
That’s not to bum anyone out, like I said we are all different. I think it bares saying as well that anyone who wants big length gains will be best served by an extender. The exercises are important, but for the optimum results, you’ll have to break down and buy yourself an extender.

Riii-ght. :rolleyes:


Of all the coherent, cogent responses, I absolutely cannnot argue against or refute, I’ve gotta say “riii-ght” takes the cake. WTF does that even mean? Ride the big one penis surfer.

I think it bares saying as well that anyone who wants big length gains will be best served by an extender.

I’d say, based on what we’ve seen around here for the last six years, that the most effective method of PE is hanging.

The issue with traction devices is that they have to be worn for a very long period of time (the manufacturer of the JES Extender suggests 12 hours a day), and cannot be hidden underneath clothing. Hanging can be easily combined with an ADS to achieve much quicker results in a more convenient fashion.


Originally Posted by Springer240

…. Quit calling them long schlong exercises (I remember reading that and doing it what it said) but you just need to read over the forums and do good searching on here and you will have great gains….

… long schlong,

good kind of stretching exercise well known here at thunder, one of my favourite. Standard OK grip with thumb and forefinger just below the gland.

If you have a 18” biceps is better than hanging.

….heli is the rotary variation.

BD, the best lesson you should get from this is that there isn’t really a good shortcut. Gains in PE are like gains in fitness. They require concerted consistent discipline and effort. PE really is a long term thing. I fully expect to be doing this in 30 years if for no other reason than to keep my penis healthy and full and avoid having to use chemical erectile aids. Unless of course those add to the fun, but I don’t want to need them.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

I think it is possible if you have good genetics (EG are an easy gainer) for example look at Westsidetoni

My gains (start 1-1-2007)

He went for 16cm BPEL to 20cm BPEL in 4months, I realise that’s not actually 2 inches but it’s not far off,

He continued gaining after that as well.

He was very lucky though

You'll split her in two?........I've seen more Girth on a HB pencil........

A friendly advice

Hey man! Cheer up, don’t lose hope. If you’ll going to ask me, 2 inches in 4 months would be impossible, BUT.. You might gain 1 and 1/2 inches in 1 year. The good news is that, for the bracket of 3-4 months it’s very possible to gain 1/2 inch if you are determined enough and spend 1 hour manual stretching and 30 minutes wet jelqing and that’s according to my personal gains. Just follow my routine man, who knows will be like me also, I did a pretty warm up and after that, I stretch upward of about 10 times with 30seconds of pull. I slap my dick to regain the flow of blood then proceed to another direction of the same format. I do it all in all in 4 directions, upward, side left and right, downward. After stretching is jelqing hehehe just think positive and have a positive outlook in life. I’ve been doing PE for almost 6 months now and I’ve gained almost 8” in length of my penis. From 8” of length to 8.8” in the spun of 6 months. Isn’t that incredible? Believe me man, I am not joking.

Originally Posted by EZone
A 2 inch gain in 4 months?

I got some ocean front property here in Nebraska to sell ya.



I would say f.. 2 inch gain in 4 months but how much you want for your ocean front property in Nebraska.. Do you offer owner financing. I am really interested and I have a good credit score.


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