You can focus on all your shortcomings so much that you could see yourself as unworthy of anybody. You have strong points and possible weak points. The weak points aren’t really weak points until someone else comes along and finds something difficult to deal with or unacceptable about you.
All of these things are truly imaginary. Good enough, not good enough. Too short, too fat, too tall, too skinny, too old, etc. It’s all the nonsense ideas that keep you from feeling like someone would accept you for what you are.
The truth is someone YOU would like WOULD accept you. If they don’t, run away. Or stay in a relationship where someone doesn’t accept you because you like the feeling of someone barely tolerating a piece of crap unworthy loser that you feel you are. Kind of like a parent/child situation. They can abuse you and you love it. Like Stockholm syndrome. That’s the only love some people understand. They suck and someone is willing to keep them around.
Judging by strictly commercial standards, no one should be walking out the front door or seeing anyone. People are imperfect. Commercial standards are not. No one expects commercial perfection because no one is perfect. Not even models and most of them feel they’re imperfect and obsess over their faults. ( See how crazy it all is? )
By the way, your penis is just about fine. I thought it was some freakishly small micropenis situation. That COULD be a problem but I’ll bet you if you had a 2 inch penis, while every girl might not accept it, a lot of girls would. So there’s someone to accept even your worst flaws out there.
Every girl I’ve ever been with had flaws that didn’t bother me much. Some of those girls obsess over their flaws to the point of absurdity and are surprised that anyone could love them or accept them. These are some fine looking, wonderful chicks too. Weird. People have distorted ideas about themselves and want it verified that they’re unlovable or that they ARE lovable. People always look outside themselves for verification and validation that they’re alright. You’re already all right. Your happiness and self acceptance isn’t part of a contest.
Don’t be in a contest. Someone is always going to accept you.
If you love someone and they leave you and you want to figure out what’s ’ wrong ’ with you, maybe you CAN improve or have something to learn. Maybe you don’t need to. The point is, someone else is ALWAYS going to find you acceptable and lovable. Then they might leave you too. Then again maybe they won’t. No guarantees. None of it means that you’re not good enough. Ever.
By the way, the secret to meeting women is to put yourself in a situation where you’re exposed to as many people as possible on a constant basis. You can’t be anti-social and expect much opportunity or much to happen. You have to be constantly in an environment where you’re meeting people for more than a few seconds.
I’m saying this because if you find something about yourself unacceptable, then you have make an effort to meet a lot of women who you find acceptable. Out of 100 women I’ll bet that at least 5 accept you and your shortcomings. You could date five girls at the same time and then pick one. It’s possible.
That’s the real problem we’re talking about here. It’s acceptance and numbers. Accept yourself first and get out there.
Now you can feel good for a moment and then tomorrow forget any of this was said and go back to feeling unacceptable if you want.
Remember ’ No one can make you feel inferior without your consent ‘.