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3rd day of penis e. Please guide me if you think I went wrong.

3rd day of penis e. Please guide me if you think I went wrong.

Hey Guys,
Today was my third day of peing. I must say it was fun, but a bit tireing. I have been experimenting those few days, and have seen that if i masturbate before exercising, I don’t seem to have too much trouble with keeping a 70% erect penis. I decided to not bother with streching because, frankly it was boring, but reading shows that If i were to only jelq, then I would develope a “baseball bat” penis. So after doing for two days, and one day rest, I started again today, focusing on doing good streching before going into jelqing.

This is my routine

Warm up
5 minute strech
300 jelqs

I do my pc muscle squeese before I sleep at night. Before I go I have a few questions.

1) Can I do 2 horse 440 with 50% blood in holding for 30 seconds before I warm down?

2) In 2 weeks, I have to start doing 600 jelqs. How do you guys manage to do that many in one day?

3)When measuring for length, do you have to press the ruler hard until you hit the bone?

4) I have what you would call a pencil dick, what can I do to gain girth?

Thank you to everyone who replies to all my messages. I will post my L&G A.S.A.P


Hi goldwave84 - I would answer your questions as follows :

1) Since you have only been PEing for 3 days I would definitely NOT start doing horses. Do jelqing for a couple of months at least, or you’ll probably injure yourself. Also horses are done with a full erection so that the blood you squeeze out of your head increases the shaft past its normal capacity. Doing horses at 50% would not really be effective in my eyes.

2) You said : “In 2 weeks, I have to start doing 600 jelqs. How do you guys manage to do that many in one day?”
You either mean 600 jelqs seems like a heavy workout for you penis, in which case just increase your jelqs by 50/100 a day until you feel your getting a good workout. But don’t do more than 600.
Or you mean that 600 jelqs seems like it will take a very long time to do. In this case just increase the time of your jelqing to what you can manage (although maximum 40 mins at this stage). If you can only manage a short time, try using a slightly higher intensity when you jelq (again - not too much at this stage).

3) It doesn’t really matter how you measure as long as you do it the same way each time. You don’t really need to press the ruler hard into the bone as the bone’s not really going to move. Also, make sure you take your measurements either always sitting down or always standing up for consistency. And don’t measure to often. Put your ruler away for a month and then measure - PE is a long term process.

4) Stick with your current jelq routine for a month. In the second/third months increase the intensity and erection level a little. At the end of your third month start looking into the various squeeze/trap type girth exercises detailed in the forum, but build to it gradually.

Good Luck


"Empty your mind. Become formless and shapeless like water. When water is poured into a cup, it becomes the cup. When water is poured into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Be water, my friend."

Bruce Lee

As ghost said.

However, in respect of the measuring, I’d say push the ruler in as far as you can ‘cos, that way,when you see a gain you won’t be doubting the fact that you didn’t push in as far previously.

The number one rule of jelqing that I have learned from this forum is not to do them too fast. Should take a full 2-3 seconds for each stroke. And for 300 jelqs it should probably take about 15 minutes (plus time to regain erections if necessary).

started 10/22/2003: BPEL: 5.5" EG: 4.0" 4/12/2004 BPEL: 6.875" EG: 5.2" 30-min exercise workout and pills

I hate bonepress, because that .25 you can’t use in sex you know. So saying you are 7 is kind of false.

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