Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

6 Months Progress and Thoughts

6 Months Progress and Thoughts

Well I finally hit my half year mark. My starting stats were

EL: 5.9-6 in
EG: 4.5in

Now its

EL: 6.8-6.9in
EG: 4.5in
BEG: 4.7in

My routine for the first four months was the Newbie Routine (never went over 250 jelqs). Included was the Auto Xleeves as ADS after my routine. I was also light hanging with the Weight Caps.

The first month and a half is when I gained .5 in length. The next 2 and a half months I gained the rest. I believe the reason why I gained so quickly was due to my light hanging and ADS work. I feel both solidified the healing process in an elongated state. The last two months I have switched exclusively to hanging and light jelqs. I have struggled to find consistency with hanging but I know if I do I will see my length gains come. I believe I grew to 7in at one point while hanging but anything I gained (if I did) I lost during these last two weeks which have been like a decon break.

I just got my BIB in and some new hanger sleeves from MB. The next 6 months will be a focus strictly on length with Hanging as the main go to technique and light jelqing. My next goal is 7.5in in EL. I will hang SD and BTC first then switch to OTS and SO after. Once I hit my EL goal then I can begin to focus on girth but not until then. Final long term goal is 7.8-8inx5.5. Would be very satisfied with 7.5x5.5 that is why my goals are a little longer than that so if I loose anything it will come to that hopefully. IMHO hanging is the best technique for length. While I was hanging for the week and a half straight before these last two weeks I definitely hit 7in and my flaccid felt bigger and meatier. I just want to say I hate manual stretches but they did work while I was on the Newbie routine. The Newbie is great to start out with but wouldn’t recommend it after 3 months especially if there are no gains. After two months if there is no sign of anything ADSing and light hanging (nothing over one pound) could be tried along with the Newbie (especially if girth is under 5 inches).

I’ve been blessed to not have been injured so far. Lets hope so for the next 6 months. I am a firm believer in PE. Its real and the Real Deal for a bigger stinger. Any questions let me know. My only regret is that I didn’t start this when I joined Thunders two years ago. It was a boneheaded mistake, but better late than never. Happy PEing everyone :)

Awesome gains! I’m happy for you.

Thanks TheLawnmowerman! Its been a journey so far, and one well worth it. Can’t wait ti hit the goals :)


Originally Posted by epic777
Thanks TheLawnmowerman! Its been a journey so far, and one well worth it. Can’t wait ti hit the goals :)

I bet. I just completed the 10th week of my stretching only routine. Haven’t measured yet but it looks bigger while erect. It’s definitely bigger in flaccid state.

Just today I added 10 minutes of jelging to my routine. I’m sure it will only help.

Originally Posted by TheLawnmowerman
I bet. I just completed the 10th week of my stretching only routine. Haven’t measured yet but it looks bigger while erect. It’s definitely bigger in flaccid state.

Just today I added 10 minutes of jelging to my routine. I’m sure it will only help.

I actually forgot to say that I believe the Jelqing definitely helped to get the penis to accept new growth. I cannot quantify how much it actually helped me grow. As I said I never went above 250 jelqs and I believe I only went to 250 once in my whole Newbie routine. On average I was somewhere between 150 and 180.

I focused on stretching, ADSing and light hanging for the length gains never really jelqing for actual growth. I don’t know your goals, length or routine TheLawnmowerman so I want to keep my words modest. But as much as I hated manual stretching if length is your goal I would add more stretching. To me manual stretching is more or less hanging at higher weights for VERY short periods of time. And according to Marinera manual stretching actually has a superior grip to Hanging :) And congratulations by the way! 10 weeks is a feat! Let me know what you think and correct me where I assumed too much.

Originally Posted by epic777
I don’t know your goals, length or routine TheLawnmowerman so I want to keep my words modest. But as much as I hated manual stretching if length is your goal I would add more stretching. To me manual stretching is more or less hanging at higher weights for VERY short periods of time. And according to Marinera manual stretching actually has a superior grip to Hanging :) And congratulations by the way! 10 weeks is a feat! Let me know what you think and correct me where I assumed too much.

The thing is, I love manual stretching :) It has become therapy for me in a way. I sit on the carpet in my room with my IR table lamp for heat. I like manual stretching because I can control the force and adjust it how I see fit. I’m using some schedule 40, 1/2 irrigation pipe as a fulcrum on certain points. It’s working very well. Thanks for the kind words and good luck with the rest of your future gains.

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