Well to tell you the truth, I have always been told that I am big, huge they say. My current gf can’t ride me she says it hurts too much. I’m 22 right now when I was 19 I met a nurse online that was 25 and we ended up meeting one night. Well to make a long story short that night she went down on me and when she pulled it out I saw a big smile on her face.she couldn’t believe it she just held it and stared at it then said I was the biggest she has ever seen she said it was massive like no other. Another girl once told me that I was the second biggest out of the 13 guys she had been with. I’m a little over 7.2”BPEL and alittle over 6” not bone pressed. I’m a little under 6”EG on the whole thing with my head being a little thicker right at 6”. When I look down at it, it does look small to me and when I feel swollen looking down at it it looks shorter. So I figured the more thicker I get the shorter it’s going to look to me, but I never said that it looks small to others.or at least not to anyone that has seen it up close and personal.