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A Comprehensive Guide to Clamping

A Comprehensive Guide to Clamping

Hey guys Accro here, hope you are all having a good day if you are reading this. I apologise for any english mistakes you might encounter reading this, it’s not my native language.

After almost 12 years of experience with PE, i think it’s time to put my experience into something useful and not only help managing the community, so I’ve decided to provide you guys with the best possible guide on how to effectively increasing your girth permanently with clamping.

I really feel like a super simple yet insanely effective guide for clamping it’s something missing around here, clamping is described around like a complicated and dangerous process and i think most people get somewhat intimidated by the technique, and you really shouldn’t if you play around it safely. I was one of them when i started reading through it here, and then years later decided to take the risk (thankfully i did).

I don’t want you guys to waste more time so I’ll just go straight into it. First of all i do not advise this exercise unless you been practicing manual exercises for at least a couple of years, particularly Dry Jelqing. Every single one of us has a different body and a different working penis, some people can stand heavy amount of workouts, others (like me) are more sensitive and even 10 minutes with a single session has already plenty of benefits and pushing it further would result in overtraining, turtling and generally just slowing our growing process.

This guide is especially dedicated to the guys reading like me, with a generally sensitive penis that requires light routines and somewhat feel hopeless and very slow in their PE progress due to this. But let me tell you, this is and advantage for you if you manage to understand HOW and WHAT exactly works for your unit with a light routine to it. Why? Because we need less force, less time and less PE sessions to grow the same as people who can workout their penis for 2 hours straight without consequences, i believe at least, and also your EQ will be significantly better than those guys after your PE session, making your post clamp pump totally usable if you have a sex session the same day.

Obviously guys, everyone grows differently in PE, the majority don’t try hard enough and lose patience in a few months trying to understand the correct technique resulting in basically no results at all and a turtled penis, they of course end up claiming PE is a complete waste of time, unfortunate for them. Some people grow decently and once they stall their gains they focus on helping their EQ stay high and have a healthy penis, which is my case and it’s what PE will do to you if you practice it on a weekly basis with correct technique, i personally recommend you guys to master Jelqing in both Wet and Dry form before trying anything else in PE, and by master it i mean at least a whole year of practice only that if you aim at girth gains, if not you can stick to a newbie routine for about the same time, personally i would do even two years of that only before stepping into advanced stuff, that’s what i did at least and worked wonderfully for me, because you really learn what exactly works for you and what to do when something does not. Very rarely people have exceptional gains but that as you may have noticed can bring nasty side effects like excessive or loose skin or a penis that turns completely dark on a white skin guy, which we call extreme discoloration.

So after this little introduction, I’ll post down here the clamping routine which has been with me the past 2 and a half years. It’s extremely easy to follow and will take you maximum 15 - 20 minutes of your day.

Equipment needed (pictures below): 1 metallic cable clamp that you easily can find in any working hardware shop, 1 or 2 baby sock (cut them at the base and make them a bit more of the size of your cable clamp) depending on how much cushion feeling and clamping pressure you want through your session, 1 small screwdriver or anything that can regulate the clamp pressure.

Step 0 - Has to be the most important step in your entire PE mindset, and i cannot stress this enough to every single one of you that recently approached this world: SKIP your session entirely if you don’t feel like doing it, if you don’t feel horny enough, if you are tired, DO NOT clamp or practice PE for any reason if you don’t feel like it. Forget about the 5-2 or 1on 1off routine which are suggested in the newbie routine, that is not the correct way to do PE. Find YOUR routine, experiment around, push yourself a little bit but most importantly LISTEN to your penis, he knows when he wants a good stretch, you don’t, listen to him. Stay safe, do not try some insane promising PE technique or exercise that is said somewhere to give some unreal results.

Step 1 - 5 minutes of warm up with hot running water, the hotter you can the better in my opinion, of course it does not have to burn, it has to be very warm but comfortable and pleasurable to your penis. If it burns, lower the temperature immediately.

Step 2 - If you can avoid it completely but personally i stimulate myself lightly with porn while warming up and during the session to keep a 100% erection. You should be sitting while clamping in my opinion, don’t do it while standing. Sit down, and insert the sock and the cable clamp while at around 50 - 60% EQ, you need to place the clamp deep down your fat pad, push it down really good but not too much it has to kinda dig into your penis base, then stimulate yourself fully to 100% without masturbating. Zero pain should be in the process, zero. You need to tight your clamp hard otherwise your exercise will be less effective or non effective at all. If you placed it correctly you can tight hard without basically any discomfort, it does NOT have to hurt, but you need to tight enough to feel that sort of heavy pressure build up (light pain during PE in my experience is a good sign, means your penis is working out nicely, heavy pain it’s not, STOP immediately in that case). If you are doing this first time PLEASE DO NOT tight the clamp heavily, do it lightly and progressively through the set, find YOUR balance.

Remember guys: experimenting is very important but do not push too much. Know your penis gradually IF you want to grow, if you want injuries and overtrained weak penis, do PE in extreme ways and find out yourself.

Step 3 - You are set to go, stay there and control your how you feel about it, personally if you are doing this first time DO NOT do it more than 5 minutes, listen very carefully how your penis feel, if you feel any severe pain it could be skin pinching from the clamp most likely (been there lol) or too much pressure, REMOVE the clamp immediately in that case, nothing terrible happening and no permanent damage don’t worry I’ve been there many times, you are just doing something wrong and need to either find proper technique or place it correctly.

Step 4 - Continue to stimulate yourself very lightly when needed to just bring your EQ to 100% again and just sit there and enjoy your session while watching porn or just relaxing there. Focus deeply on the sensation, when done right, clamping feels amazing and there is like a mid to heavy pressure feeling coming from the inside of your penis with the blood trapped in and as the expansion increases through the set you can feel your skin slightly stretching out, you will also notice your penis becoming somewhat dark purple because of the blood trapped with the clamp pressure. If your penis turns really cold, or black (dark purple is good, black it’s not) and you start feel any type of severe pain don’t panic, just release the pressure slowly and remove the clamp, no permanent damage in the process will EVER happen if you do this lightly and with a brain.

Step 5 - Once you hit your desired time (i do not recommend sets longer than 10 minutes) easily lower the pressure gradually with the screwdriver or whatever you use and remove the clamp. After your first 3 to 5 months of doing this successfully you can add 20 to 40 Dry Jelq after the clamping set to refresh your penis with blood and nutrients before the final step.

Step 6 - Warm down of another 5 - 10 minutes, which you should do through the whole day if you can, especially on your PE day. Well known legend of this community Titleist taught me “heat is key, apply it constantly”, nothing more true than that guys, if you want to grow, apply heat, i ONLY recommend hot water, no pads or red lights or any of that stuff.

That’s it, you are now introduced to clamping and your EQ and girth gains will skyrocket in the first 6 months to a year if you do this properly. Now you might ask, what routine should i follow with this? How many times should i do it? If you read through everything you already have the answer, ONLY when you feel it. Personally i started with 1 day on and 2 days off, after 3 years i moved to 1 day on 1 off depending also on my gym schedule or stuff to do in life. To end this post just a few very important points before i end this post:

1 - Please i cannot stress this enough, do not go to the gym after your PE session, you already worked out believe it or not your blood is now focusing on reparing the muscle damage created on your penis, if you work out your body the blood will be moved out from your penis and will move in your arms or legs or chest or whatever you are working out potentially causing overtrain and slower growth. Do not do any other work out in your PE day, it’s just my opinion and personally was crucial for me. 1 day on 1 day off clamp allows me to go to the gym when i don’t PE and vice versa super easily and keep myself in shape.

2 - I know people will probably start asking me what do i think about pumping in addition to clamping or just pumping alone, and my simple response is do not pump at all. Why? Far more dangerous than clamping if you don’t have very good equipment (which is extremely expensive for regular people like me), and much easier to overdoit and cause potential long term damage which can be unnoticeable until youll’stop to practice it, also extreme discoloration. I’ve been clamping for 3 years straight and my penis still looks the same colour as when i started, try pumping for 3 years straight see what happens. This is just my opinion I’m not against the practice or who does it or anything i just think it’s not good at all and unhealthy. I’m heavily against it and always will be, I’ll maybe post in the future about my experience with it.

3 - Stay hydrated, drink tons of water, eat healthy foods and a balanced diet will also increase your growth potential and your EQ, both will obviously result in a bigger penis. If you can have a meal after your PE session just like after a gym session, even better, i do not recommend protein shakes if you are in a rush but one or two once in a while are better than not eating at all most likely.

That’s it for now, I’ll keep the post updated if needed and as i progress my PE career, which i consider finished since i reached my goal, but i still clamp and dry jelq to maintain the EQ and the health of my unit. Please if you have any questions or anything you want to discuss about the topic reply here, and if you are new to PE or clamping feel free to DM me, I’m very busy but i will try to check the DMs as often as possible to help you.

Peace, Accro.

Great post. Very informative. Did you do any exercises to target length as well?

Originally Posted by AndyB123
Great post. Very informative. Did you do any exercises to target length as well?

None, since I never needed length. I just gained some with jelqing and maybe a tiny bit with clamping.

Cool. What is your opinion on gaining length while also implementing a clamping routine?

Originally Posted by AndyB123
Cool. What is your opinion on gaining length while also implementing a clamping routine?

It’s most likely better if you avoid clamping entirely during length routines, personally I would go for length and then start clamping once satisfied with it.

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