A Few Questions.
Hey all. 24 year old here. Found this place a few years ago and it’s been on my mind for a while. I’ve been too chicken/dismissive to try this out, but I’m sick of having a tiny-ass flaccid dick so I’m gonna give it a full shot. I’m not too worried about my erect size but wouldn’t mind it being bigger.
So I have a few questions that I couldn’t find in the FAQ/newbie threads/etc.
1: What’s the best way to increase flaccid size? Should I just go with the newbie routines found on these links?
A Quickstart Guide to Manual Exercises
Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine
2: Would this heat lamp + bulb be good for warming?
http://www.amaz … /dp/B0061MZ4Q6/
http://www.amaz … /dp/B0066L0YJE/
3: Is there any way to correct a tilt in the penis? Mine is a little bit wider than it is taller, but it has about a 20-30 degree tilt counter-clockwise which I find to be annoying. My ex didn’t have a problem with it, but if possible I’d like to make it flat.
4: On the same subject, is there any way to make it more circular rather than an oval?
Thanks for any information you can give. I’m very overwhelmed by all the information here and want to make sure I start off right.