Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A few specific questions and my short story.

A few specific questions and my short story.

Okay guys. I’ll start off with a little who I am.

I am like 6’3”. 230lbs. Big guy, not very fat. I am not down about my overall size, I look like a huge giant. The first thing people probably notice about me is how big I am.

However my penis is like 5.5x5.25. This is measured from the top and not pressing down on my skin. Just laying the ruler out. I suppose is is like 6.25x5.25 the other way, but that is cheating. When flaccid, it varies greatly, but sometimes less than 1” !

I probably wouldn’t care so much about the size of my penis if I weren’t so big overall. I feel like I’d disappoint a girl because they’d hope I have a giant cock. Lots of times girls giggle and say “OH I bet you have a HUGE cock!” I just get depressed when they say that. Because really, I have no damn clue what they expect.

To make matters worse, my dad even said to me once “Son, be sure to use larger condoms because regular size ones will probably be very uncomfortable”

WTF!? Is my family well-endowed except for me..

Here is my problem:
I have 2 roommates. Next year 1 roommate.

How can I do this stealth without letting anyone have the slightest clue? Can I do these routines safely in the shower every day?

I am still reading through the FAQs and trying to figure out a good newbie routine to follow. Anyone have any advice?

I am an Eastern European (half polish/Russian just in case there are routines that work best for certain ethnicities)

I was born this way, and everywhere else people say “Penis Enlargement is NOT real and blah blah blah” But right now I feel a breath of hope.

PS Maybe there are threads that deal with this stuff already. Hard to find though. I also wanted to open up and tell people my story. I usually lie and say my penis is 7 inches.

You could say my goal is going to be like 8x6 or something like that. When I do get there, will I have to keep maintaining the size by doing exercises, or will it stay that long?

Welcome Orbitman!

I understand how you feel that doing a Bone Pressed Erect Length (BPEL) measure is cheating, but in all reality it is the most accurate way to measure your dick. Pressing the ruler it all the way back into your skin to your pubic bone ensures an accurate starting point that won’t fluctuate like regular EL measurments can.

It’s the way we do it here at Thunders, and its the way a lot of researchers do it in studies of penis size…so it’s not cheating too much. :)

Don’t let the pressures of desiring a big dick bog you down too much. You found a way to change that here…so be happy!

Your girth is already damn nice, ladies usually prefer that to length anyway. Following the newbie routine and doing lots of manual stretching is sure to increase your length. I’ve gained almost .75 inches in length from just manual stretching…so it is surely possible!

As far as stealth PE, you can definitely get a workout in while taking a shower. Stealth PE isn’t really an issue for me but it is for a lot of other guys here. They can help you out. Also do a search for “stealth PE”, you should find some good stuff.

There is some debate regarding the permanence of gains. But the majority of folks here feel that with a minumim maintainence routine (once a week) you will definitely retain your gains! It’s kind of like going to the gym. If you stop completely, you’ll lose strenth and size. If you maintain an occasional workout, you’ll keep that size and strength.

Good luck partner!

You want an extra length? Do some cardio, not only well you see more of your dick that’s hidden behind fat but you well also be healthier and look/feel better overall!

Hey man. I’m also around that height and build. I also get the same comments, I often see girls staring at my crotch to see if they can see a bulge or anything.

Unlucky about the whole not being able to PE in private. Try to take like a 30minute shower a day…Like 5minutes showering, and 20minutes PEing (stretching and jelquing).

A newbie has returned for a second attempt.

Goals to be posted soon.

Welcome to the forums.

First off, pressing the ruler is not ‘cheating’. Like doubles said, it simply gives you a more consistent measurement, not only to gauge your gains, but also, for comparison purposes to others here at Thunders and other PE sites.

You current size is pretty much right at average for length and a good deal over in the girth department. I doubt you would disappoint many women with that size, especially the girth.

Start with the Newbie Routine. You’ll figure out a way to find the time. Stay up a little later or get up a little earlier if you have to. You can always break up your routine also. Stretch in the morning, jelq at night.

Originally Posted by orbitman
I am like 6’3”. 230lbs. Big guy, not very fat. I am not down about my overall size, I look like a huge giant. The first thing people probably notice about me is how big I am.

However my penis is like 5.5x5.25. This is measured from the top and not pressing down on my skin. Just laying the ruler out. I suppose is is like 6.25x5.25 the other way, but that is cheating. When flaccid, it varies greatly, but sometimes less than 1” !

Yeah, when you’re a big guy people seem to expect you to be big downstairs too, it does seem a bit incongruous to be big all over but with only average size genitals. I’m in the same boat as you, I’m 6’3” and 345 pounds, not too fat, 6 x 5 unit. The tool is perfectly adequate for the act of sex, but who wants to settle for “adequate”? Guys like us need more, just to live up to expectations.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."


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