A PE concern.
Hi there,
I started PE about a year ago but never really stuck with it. I ended up taking a long break and now I’m thinking about giving it another try.
But, something has crossed my mind.and the basic question underlying it all is, can gains really be “cemented?”
My concern is this: I’ve read alot of success stories about PE and the responses of guy’s gfs/wives to their growth. These stories are very motivational. So, let’s say I get a gf after starting PE and she only knows about my post-PE dick. What if, for whatever reason, I need to stop PE for a while? I could think of a bunch of reasons why this could occur- not enough time, non-PE injury, etc. Wouldn’t it be startling for her to see me “shrink” back to my previous size after I’m unable to keep doing PE? I feel like such a thing would be quite humiliating.
But, if gains truly can be cemented to the point where upkeep is no longer necessary, this would not be an issue. So what do you guys think?